Saving compress.

Saving compress.

Saving compress.

Saving compress. Osteoarthritis of knee joints. During an exacerbation there are very strong pains.
Heating pads are very helpful. And it is not surprising, because the warming compress causes a prolonged expansion of the blood vessels.

Increased blood flow to the skin and deeper recumbent tissues, which contributes to the resolution of inflammation. Acts as an analgesic.

It is not difficult to make a compress. A piece of cloth, folded several times, is moistened with a pre-prepared medicinal solution. Humidified tissue is applied to a sore spot. At the top is cellophane.

It should be a little more tissue. Completely close the fabric.

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In the treasury of recipes.

In the treasury of recipes.

For many diseases there is justice in my collection of recipes of traditional medicine: In the treasury of recipes.

Worried nosebleed?

Dilute a small amount of vinegar (the dining room or apple) or alum with cold water. Head keep straight. Not to worry, and that is stronger than blood. Is drawn into the nose of the solution.

Worryingly hypertension?

A glass of honey, a glass of carrot juice, half a cup of juice horseradish and mix the juice of 2 lemons wooden spatula. Close and remove to a warm place.
Take 2 hours after a meal or one hour before meals for 1 h. Spoon 3 times day.

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Juice for the liver.

Juice for the liver.

Juice for the liver.


Juice for the liver. I’d never trust a particularly traditional medicine, did not believe that with the help of herbs can cure serious diseases. But only as long as the traditional medicine did not help my brother. Even in the very early years he had suffered hepatitis, after which, as is known, the liver for life remains ill.

Here are a half dozen years, he revealed cirrhosis in the early stages. While the brother was in the hospital, we often visited him and, of course, a lot of communicating with relatives of sick people. In particular, I became friends with a woman who seemed to know the recipes from all diseases. Somehow, I was filled, became pry that can help my brother.

«Herbs for the treatment of liver a lot», — she said — But the main thing is to want to recover, take care of nature with an open mind. And, of course, a way of life should be changed — no drop of alcohol, fatty, spicy — anything that is harmful to the liver. «

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Liver Cleanse.

Liver Cleanse.

Liver Cleanse «silver». Liver Cleanse.

The liver is now at 90% of the population after 20 years, it is already suffering from pollution, but many do not realize until it hurts, and many are simply afraid to clean the liver. But we have to. Now many of the problems — thyroid, and her work is related to the purity of blood.

Liver Cleanse.

I can help by stagnant bile free manner without cleaning. It’s easy, simple, cheap, painless. But the result will only 1,5-2 months.

My method — «serebrinki», the ones that hang on the Christmas tree, or foil. Width «serebrinki» 2 mm, it is necessary to stick to a narrow medical plaster in the middle. First, a long strip of paste. Then cut by 8-10 cm. Hang on the liver, since the stomach, vertical, approximately 17-18 pieces, with each interval of 1.5-2 cm from one another and back to back 6/7 cm. There liver region ends.

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The main male disease — prostate.

Prostate. The most common disease among men can be called prostatitis. Because it covers more than half the male population of the planet. And if earlier suffered men over 50 years. Now they have become more vulnerable with age of 30 years.

Prostatitis is an inflammation and swelling of the prostate gland. The course of the disease is complicated by the fact that the prostate gland is located near the urinary canal.
Increasing in size, the prostate begins to put pressure on the urethra. To cause urination is a complex and painful process.

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Arthritis treatment.

Arthritis treatment.

Arthritis treatment.

Joint pain, treatment of joints with folk remedies.

Arthritis treatment. How and with what folk remedies can I treat sick joints? Joint pain, treatment with folk remedies.

In the evening, pour 5 grams of gelatin into a 0.5 liter glass jar, fill it with a glass of boiled water (cold!). In the morning, slightly dilute the gelatinous mass of 100 g of boiled water (warm) and drink on an empty stomach (30 minutes before breakfast).

To improve the taste, in the morning, dilute the swollen gelatin juice (preferably orange). Gelatin intake is good for any pain in the joints, but the treatment is not quick. From 1 to 3 months — it all depends on the neglect of the disease.

One of the best folk remedies for arthritic pain can be prepared with their bay leaf. Pour 25 laurel leaves 0.5 liters. Boiling water, let simmer for 5 minutes.

Then all pour into the thermos, let it brew for 3 to 4 hours. The whole broth should be drunk in small sips in one day. So do 3 days, then break for a week, then 3 days again. Treatment is desirable to be carried out 2 times a year.

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Linseed oil SLIMMING.

Linseed oil SLIMMING.


To achieve weight loss can be different methods. Linseed oil SLIMMING. Practice has shown that the best results are obtained by a comprehensive approach to this process. In particular it involves the use of various food additives, among which can be called and linseed oil. It can provide effective relief, if properly use it. It remains to find out how to take flax seed oil for weight loss and achieve more good results in the short term. Other vegetable oils for weight loss.

Linseed oil SLIMMING.

CHOICE linseed oil.

To lose weight was intense, you should choose the most suitable product to start with. Get high quality linseed oil. Buy it in specialized stores, not via the Internet. Taking only an additive that does not precipitate impurities and is transparent. It is free from extraneous odors. The tint oil should be greenish-yellow. Too often, rapeseed is given instead of flaxseed oil. It is absolutely useless for weight loss. Take it is not necessary.

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