Folk remedies for depression.

Folk remedies for depression.

Folk remedies for depression.

Rinse 250 g of oat grains with cold water, pass through a colander, add 1 liter of cold water and cook until tender. Then stand, strain and drink with honey throughout the day.
Take until complete recovery. After a month, start drinking St. John’s wort tea.

To strengthen your nerves, you should take the following mixture: 100 g of raisins, 100 g of dried apricots, 100 g of prunes, 100 g of nuts, 1 lemon with zest. Pass this all through a meat grinder and mix with honey. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.
Take 1 tbsp. l. in the morning before breakfast.

Eat 1 banana daily. Bananas are a small miracle that kills depression. These yellow fruits contain the alkaloid harman, the basis of which is the “drug of happiness” — mescaline.

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Sore feet.

Sore feet.

Sore feet.

To eliminate pain in the legs, use cucumber juice. Cucumbers are rubbed on a fine grater and the juice is squeezed out. Take 2-3 glasses of juice every morning on an empty stomach. Treatment is carried out throughout season while the cucumbers are growing.

Add 2 cups of fresh calendula flowers to 500 g of lard, heated to 60 °C. Maintain this temperature for 3 hours, stirring the mixture. Strain, transfer to a jar, Keep refrigerated. Lubricate sore areas daily.

Bee honey compress: apply a thin layer of honey on a napkin and place it on the sore areas, cover with wax paper and bandage. Walk with a compress on the first day 2 hours, in the second and third — 4 hours, in the subsequent ones — leave overnight. The course of treatment is 30–40 days. Try it — the effect is great!

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Inflammation of the pleura.

Inflammation of the pleura.

Inflammation of the pleura.

To relieve pain from pleurisy, it is recommended to apply a medicinal bandage with mustard to the sore spot.

After the 7th day of illness, make a dragee from a mixture of equal amounts of honey and butter, to which add almonds and nettle seeds at the rate of 1 part almonds and nettles to 4 parts honey and butter. Cool the dragee and suck 3-4 times a day. When the disease subsides, you can use banks.

Take 2 parts each of anise fruit, marshmallow root, licorice root, 1 part each of pine buds and sage leaf. 1 tbsp. l. Brew the mixture in 1 cup of boiling water, close tightly and leave for 5 hours,strain and take 1 tbsp. l. 4–5 times a day.

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Myositis is an inflammation of skeletal muscles, the causes of which can be previous infectious diseases (influenza, sore throat, rheumatism), hypothermia or muscle strain, severe cramps during swimming.

The development of myositis can be facilitated by injury, the introduction of parasites into the muscles, or prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.

Usually the broad muscles of the back, muscles of the neck, shoulders, arms, legs, and buttocks are affected. Myositis often becomes chronic with periodic exacerbations.

In this case, dense nodules or cords appear in the thickness of the muscle, which can be felt. The disease is accompanied pain in the affected muscles, which gradually intensifies.

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Cardiosclerosis is a disease where connective scar tissue develops in the heart. This is possible with atherosclerosis, myocarditis, and can also be a consequence of myocardial infarction.

The patient should avoid strenuous physical activity and stress. You may need to engage in physical therapy under the supervision of specialists.

To improve heart function, it is recommended to eat 2 egg whites on an empty stomach, beaten with 2 tsp. sour cream and 1 tsp. honey

Grind cumin fruits — 1 tsp, hawthorn root — 1 tbsp. l., mix everything. Pour the collection with 300 ml of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos, strain. Drink during the day in 4-5 doses.

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How to treat hair loss with folk remedies

How to treat hair loss with folk remedies

How to treat hair loss with folk remedies

With androgenic alopecia can not do without the use of hormonal drugs. Only a dermatologist can correctly prescribe effective pills, ointments and creams. However, in this case (especially in the initial stage) is not excluded the possibility of using folk remedies against hair loss.

Vegetable oils

Our grandmothers dabbed their hair with castor oil (castor oil extract) after washing. They became greasy, but they stopped falling out and did not break. It is advisable to rub the oil into the scalp, wrap with a towel, leave for some time (40 minutes to five hours), then wash your head with shampoo. And so with the frequency of one or three times a week.

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Rejuvenation of the body.

Rejuvenation of the body.

Rejuvenation of the body.

Folk recipes for skin rejuvenation.

To rejuvenate the skin, improve the appearance, there is a simple but effective way. Soak a tampon in kefir, use to wipe the face. The recipe nourishes, gives freshness.

Lotion prepared from the infusion of nettle, it is useful to use as a tonic.

A mixture of banana puree with the addition of a teaspoon of sour cream will slow the aging process, smooth out wrinkles, enrich with nutrients.

Dilute a small amount of buckwheat flour with milk, use the mixture as a cleansing and nourishing mask.

Mix cottage cheese, honey and fruit puree in equal quantities. The result is an excellent rejuvenating mask.

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