Wormwood beauty.

Wormwood beauty.

Wormwood beauty.

Wormwood — a bitter herb. Wormwood beautyIt is, though bitter, but good. Not only cure diseases, but also to bring the beauty of …

• For good washing wormwood water:

Three tablespoons of the crushed raw material pour 2 cups of boiling water. Boil in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Leave to insist on the night.
Filter the infusion of wormwood. Rinse with wormwood water after washing.

• That the skin clear of acne, turned pink and smooth, prepare a tincture Artemisia:

1 tbsp. spoon of dried wormwood put in an opaque bottle and pour 5 tablespoons. tablespoons vodka, insist week in a cool dark place.
The finished tincture wipe rashes place 2 times a day.

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Decoctions from menopause.

Decoctions from menopause.

Decoctions from menopause.

Herbal decoctions during menopause are designed to alleviate general discomfort and help in the fight against symptoms. The treatment period with their help depends on the severity of the symptoms, but cannot exceed 3 months.

  1. Take 10 g of the fruits of barberry, knotweed, mistletoe, shepherd’s bag. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with a cup of water. Bring to a simmer and simmer for another 10 minutes. Let stand a little and filter. With heavy uterine bleeding take half a cup three times a day.
    White mistletoe is considered a plant of low toxicity.
  2. Pour 20 g of rosemary with a medicinal cup of boiling water. They languish over low heat for 15 minutes, after which they defend a little. As a medicine for menopause, take a quarter of the total volume for half an hour before each meal.
  3. When cast into heat, a decoction of coriander will help. A teaspoon of seeds is poured into 220 ml of boiling water and simmered for several minutes over low heat, having previously covered with a lid. After give a little brew. Use 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals.

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Tinctures from menopause.

Tinctures from menopause.

Tinctures from menopause.

The course of treatment for tinctures with menopause is usually 30-45 days, depending on the severity of symptoms and the individual reaction of the body.

  1. Peony tincture is responsible for reducing hot flashes, frequent changes in mood and insomnia. Take 20 drops three times a day, preferably before meals. The course of treatment is up to 4 months. Folk remedy recommended for men. In this case, the number of drops increases to 40 at a time.
  2. Rowan tincture is called an ancient treatment for menopause. It is prepared as follows: take two handfuls of fresh berries, pour 220 ml of alcohol 40% and incubate for 30 days in a dark place. The strained tincture is cleaned in the refrigerator. Take daily at bedtime on a dessert spoon.
  3. Tincture of the shiitake mushroom is considered useful for menopause. Take 5 g of dry raw materials, mix with 300 ml of vodka and send them to the refrigerator for two weeks. After filtering and drinking 15 ml three times a day.
    Phytoestrogen «prenylnaringenin», which is found in Shiitake mushrooms, has a serious effect on the female body. With uncontrolled intake of tincture at home, uterine bleeding can occur.
  4. Tincture of hop cones is considered useful for the treatment of hot flashes. Take 25 g of hop cones, combine with 220 ml of 40% alcohol. Stand for a week, filter. 5 drops of tincture are added to a glass of water at room temperature and taken twice a day.

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Compresses treat hemorrhoids.

Compresses treat hemorrhoids.

Compresses treat hemorrhoids.

  1. Cocoa butter is placed on a small piece of gauze. Apply in the presence of inflammation and cracks in the anus for half an hour. The recommendation may focus on the treatment of adults and children.
  2. For pain 2 tbsp. l Flax dried grass is poured with a half liter of milk and boiled for twenty-five minutes. Filter. In the finished broth, the fabric is moistened, applied to a sore spot and kept until completely dry. Repeat as necessary, but no more than three times in twenty-four hours.
  3. 200 ml of boiling water is steamed with two small tablespoons of the upright root root root crushed to a fine crumb. Strained folk remedy is used for lotions twice a day. Relieve inflammation and pain.
  4. Six small spoons of daisies are kept for 0.2 hours in 0.2 l of boiling water. The gauze is soaked in the finished infusion, applied to the hemorrhoid cones for ten minutes twice.
  5. Three times a day with severe pain, compresses are used with the infusion of ordinary burdock. Two tbsp. l raw materials are poured with two cups of hot water for a short time. After pressing, a piece of cotton fabric is soaked in the composition. The procedure is performed three times a quarter of an hour.

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We treat the cyst.

We treat the cyst.

We treat the cyst.

From ovarian cysts folded into a quart jar crushed shells 14-20 walnuts. We treat the cyst. Raw pour 0.5 liters of vodka, so that the shells were covered completely with vodka. Bank to close the lid and put in a dark warm place for 7-10 days.

Treatment is carried out once a day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. spoon half a glass of water, at least 30 minutes before breakfast.

To be treated as long as until the end of infusion. Shucks, you can not take out of the tincture. One month after treatment, to go to the US, which is bound to show a positive change.

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Back pain.

Back pain.

Back pain.

The spine, joints, muscles — all part of one system. Back pain.
You raised something heavy, overextended in training or a cold in the draft — the result can be unpleasant pain: back aches, difficult to move, uncomfortable bed.
Alleviate the suffering will not only tablets, but also folk remedies.

Preheat pure apple cider vinegar. Soak them terry cloth and apply the compress to the affected area, but no more than 5 minutes. The procedure can be repeated every hour.
Assist and mustard of grated black radish. Imposing them, wrap up warmly. But! If the pain is very severe, seek medical attention — may be damaged intervertebral disc and nerve root.

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Hair strengthening.

Hair strengthening.

Hair strengthening.

Strengthens the hair by natural means.

Hair strengthening. Thick, lustrous hair is always decorated with a woman and show her good health. Hair strengthening. 

If the hair began to fade, to fall out, you need to think about why this is happening, and try, if possible, remove the cause.

Hair strengthening.

The reason may be the same stress, mental fatigue, endocrine disorders, and primarily related to the thyroid gland.

The cause of hair loss can be even climate change — it is also a lot of stress for our body.
In the southern edges, and in the north of sunny days wearing a hat from the sun.

The reason for the deterioration of the condition of hair and hairstyle can be, tightening the hair, so I advise you, when you come home, to dissolve the hair and give them freedom.

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