


Inflammation of the appendages (adneskit) — folk recipes infusions

In women, for various reasons, can become inflamed fallopian tubes and adjacent organs, mostly, it concerns the ovaries.

Most often, inflammation occurs due to contact with the tube of vaginal infections. Antibiotic treatment gives little effect, and if justified by the treatment of inflammation of appendages folk remedies.

Causes and symptoms.

Causes inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis). That is an infection of the vagina. First, the microorganisms act on the vagina. From there they enter the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

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Adult acne.

Adult acne.

Professional ailment. Adult acne.

Adult acne. Once at work, our guard told me such a story.

After retiring, he got a job as a watchman in a wood warehouse. But the dampness was strong there, so the chiri came out of it.

He heals them, and they climb. First he treated them with baked onions — it did not help;

Then applied leaves of plantain, a little pain removed — the leaves dried out, the abscesses burst, and in another place they again jumped out.

But in what place pops up, on which you have to sit.

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Remedy polyps.

Remedy polyps.

Remedy polyps.

Cervical polyp.

Remedy polyps. Disappointing diagnosis — a polyp in the uterus. I do not know why, but I immediately wrote out the direction of the operation.

However, the doctor said that after removal, the polyp can grow back. So what’s the point of doing an operation.

I do not trust modern medicines. But old folk remedies enjoyed by village women are likely to be able to help.
They found the recipe out of this trouble.
Although the recipes initially seemed to me absurd. I was expecting some herbs. But a neighbor ordered me not to buy medicinal herbs. And buy soap, milk and onions. From them and must be prepared medication.

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From bronchitis.

Bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis treatment.

At the age of 12 I had bronchitis. I treated it this way: honey and milk in a hot form, as well as a decoction of herbs of mother-and-stepmother and oregano with the addition of badger fat, milk and honey.
Everything has passed and does not bother for 10 years. Still help inhalation with fir oil, rubbing the breast with balsam «Golden Star».

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Lose Weight in a dream: 7 new tricks.

Lose Weight in a dream: 7 new tricks.

Lose Weight in a dream: 7 new tricks.

Lose Weight in a dream: 7 new tricks. Diet for weight loss in the home menu.

Fat burning takes place in the evening or at night. This postulate is based power system Dr. Detlef PA, the author of many popular books about weight loss.

By thi s system must be fed three times a day at intervals of 5 hours. But the products are distributed so that the blood sugar levels stay balanced and saturation state does not leave you until the next meal. And for such a move Meals not gradually but at once, then the effect will be soon.

1. Do not skip breakfast.

You are a man who in the morning breakfast reluctant or do not eat breakfast at all?Do not worry. That quickly changed once you start to eat on a given system. If you’re in the evening there are only protein foods, per night your storage of carbohydrates desolate, so that in the morning you will have the appetite!

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Intestinal treatment.

Intestinal treatment.

How to help the intestines?

Intestinal treatment.

Dyskinesia of the intestine or motor neurosis. Intestinal treatment. This disease develops in the result of acute negative emotions, conflict situations, mental trauma and subsequent violation of the highest regulatory mechanisms.

Intestinal neuroses are manifested by changes in secretory and motor functions intestines aside both strengthening and weakening them. At the same time, there are no pathological changes in the intestine.

Intestinal treatment.

What actions need to be taken to mitigate dyskinesia?

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Rhinitis treatment.

Rhinitis treatment.

Rhinitis treatment.


Rhinitis treatment. Now it’s very easy to catch cold, such ailments are common, as a cough, runny nose (rhinitis). That’s about these sores and I would like to write first.

Coryza (rhinitis)

Bury daily in each nostril for 4-6 drops of freshly squeezed calanchoe or aloe juice 5-6 times. At the same time, throw your head back, press both nostrils with your fingers, so that the juice sucks and does not pour out.

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