What is hpv.

What is hpv.

HOW TO GET RID OF papillae?

What is a papilloma?

What is hpv. Papilloma — a benign skin lesions, which looks as a small build-up, which has a different color — solid, yellowish or brown, in people, these skin formations often called hanging warts or warts on the leg. What is hpv.
Papillomavirus are very common, almost every tenth person they there is on the face and neck, the hands, the soles, in the natural folds — armpits, groin, under the breasts.

In some cases, papilloma formed on the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, genital, urinary bladder. Papillomavirus can occupy a small area of a few millimeters, and can spread to large areas. They do not disappear on their own, with the years their number can only increase.
And it not only causes aesthetic discomfort, but also is a kind of marker of ill organism.

The reason — the ubiquitous virus. What is hpv.

Humanity has become much more vulnerable to various viruses. 95% of the adult population are carriers of the herpes virus and human papillomavirus (HPV). The latter causes the formation of skin warts and papillomas.

Some strains of the HPV virus (and there are more than 100 of them) are very dangerous. Especially because of the increased carcinogenicity. In women, they can first cause the formation of cervical papillomas.

Subsequently — the development of malignant tumors. Men suffer from the virus less often. But they can provoke cancer of the genitals.

Ways of infection.

Sexual — one of the most common phenomena. The more a person lives in the life of sexual partners, the greater his risk of “catching up” the virus. And the size of the viruses are so small. What full ordinary condoms do not protect.

Home contact is the most common way to transmit the HPV virus. Handshake, kisses, towels exchange, shaving accessories, gloves. Also, a visit to the bath or sauna, swimming pool, gym. Wherever home contact with a virus carrier can penetrate the skin. Especially if he has a microtrauma.

Overall. In this case, the human papillomavirus is transmitted from mother to child. When passing through the birth canal.

Systemic therapy is aimed at reducing the activity of viral cells, stopping their division. Reducing the risk of recurrence of the disease and the available entities.

What is hpv.

Preparations should choose a doctor. Antiviral drugs are commonly used to increase the protective properties of the body’s own immune system (inosiplex). The use of drugs to improve the functioning of the immune system of cells (interferon alfa-allokina). In combination with taking immunomodulatory drugs (amiksin, licopid).

Local treatment is the use of ointments and creams with antiviral effect. Human papillomavirus is extremely stable. If he was in the body, then «pushing» him there can not be the end of life.

Because HPV can be easily infected by close people with whom it lives and is in close contact. It is necessary and treat all together. Otherwise it will be re-infection.

When the virus wakes up?

Papillomavirus, penetrating into the human body for a long time can not themselves be activated and the weakening of the immune defense, which occurs in the following cases.

1) infectious diseases (tonsillitis, bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia, intestinal infections, etc.), Especially if they require an intensive course of antibiotics.

2) chronic diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis), gynecological (especially with long-term carriers of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia, trichomonas, and others.).

3) endocrine disorders (thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus).

4) HIV infection and congenital immunodeficiency.

5) pregnancy (during this period is very common in women appear age spots and Hanging warts, some of them disappear after childbirth).

6) Autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, scleroderma and so on. N.).

7) oncology.

8) frequent and prolonged stress.

9) long-term abuse of ultraviolet radiation (excessive sunbathing, solarium).

10) elderly age.

11) poor working conditions, failure to comply with personal hygiene, bad habits.

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Ways of infection.

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