Can herpes be cured.

can herpes be cured

«Antivirus» treats ARVI, lichen and herpes.

Can herpes be cured.

The Institute of Naturopathy conducted tests of this plant for the maintenance of salicylic compounds in it and their effect on diseases such as ARVI, herpes zoster, lip and genital herpes. Can herpes be cured.

Can herpes be cured. Long-term clinical studies have shown that the flowers of the pubescent have an antiviral effect, thanks to the gulterin, from which hydrolysis produces methyl salicylate.

In the course of the trials, a new highly effective therapeutic herbal preparation was proposed, called «Antivirus», which included tyavlaga vyazolistnaya.

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Shortness of breath causes anxiety.

Shortness of breath causes anxiety.

Shortness of breath causes anxiety.

How to cope with shortness of breath?

Many years ago, I developed severe shortness of breath.
Therefore, I recommend breathing exercises. The benefits of simple exercises were so strong. I decided to share them.

Exhale all the air through your mouth. Inhale quickly through the nose. From the diaphragm forcibly exhale all the air through your mouth. Hold your breath, as much as possible pull the stomach. Count to 8-10. Relax and breathe.

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Any disease can be cured.

Any disease can be cured.

Any disease can be cured.

Any disease can be cured. Treatment of traditional medicine. There is a cure for any illness in the piggy bank of the wisdom of traditional medicine.

• From weakness and for recovery after surgery. Fill the bottle with almost full raw grated red beets. Fill it with vodka. Insist the mixture in heat for 12 days. Drink a glass before eating.

• 2 tablespoons of white willow bark insist in a glass of boiling water for 2-3 hours. Apply to wash wounds.

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Health tips.

Health tips.

Health tips.

Health tips. The effect of jelly on all organs. The effect of jellyfish extends to all organs, as well as systems of the human body.

Increasing immunity, getting rid of skin, GI, heart, blood vessels, joints, metabolism, powerful anti-sclerotic prophylaxis, lowering cholesterol — this is exactly what this product does because it contains vitamins B, PP, A, E, magnesium , Potassium, calcium, as well as choline, methionine, tryptophan, lysine, lecithin, that is, amino acids necessary for the body.

Oats kidney has acquired a special importance for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract diseases — gastritis, ulcers, intestinal disorders, pancreatitis.

It is important to choose an acceptable recipe for yourself, to prepare the product correctly, and also to observe the necessary dosage when it is taken.

I propose an old recipe for oatmeal. It’s just a balm for the body.

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Brown spots on face.

Brown spots on face.

As at home to get rid of age spots.

Brown spots on face. How to get rid of age spots.

Five tips to get rid of age spots.

Spot pigmentation on the face may appear, regardless of age. What is the cause of such unwanted changes on the skin of the face?

Skin problems may arise for many reasons:
— Hormonal changes in the body associated with pregnancy or with long-term use of contraceptives;
— Liver disease or urogenital system;
— Nervosa, thyroid disease;
— A lack of vitamin C, low-quality cosmetics.

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Eczema treatment.

Eczema treatment.

Let’s help the skin. Eczema treatment.

Eczema treatment. At a daughter (18 years) my girlfriend from the early childhood an eczema.
And if for the child only his health was important, then in the teenage years, beauty came first.
And what can I say, when the girl has stains all over her body. Of course, every minute of her life was poisoned by thoughts of this terrible disease.

Eczema treatment.

What kind of doctors did not visit, which only medications did not prescribe — all to no avail, or with a temporary effect. Even I already began to despair to find something effective.

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Head injury.

Head injury.

Head injury.

Head trauma: what to do?

To get rid of a headache, you need to reduce intracranial pressure. Head injury. I will give several phytotherapeutic prescriptions to reduce intracranial pressure.

• Firstly, it is a recipe using green tea.

A teaspoonful Green tea, pour 50 ml of boiling water, insist for a minute, then add boiling water to 200 ml and insist an hour. Drink the received infusion as tea, start with one glass of this infusion per day.

• Secondly, I recommend using hellebore. In the morning on an empty stomach take 0.05 g of hellebore powder (with small peas). Drink plenty of water. Drink half a glass or a glass of water.

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