Sore throat and cough.

Sore throat and cough.

The medicine from autumn.

Sore throat and cough.

Autumn began, and with it — seasonal illnesses. Coryza, cough, throat … Sore throat and cough.

• We never buy nasal drops at home. Most often dig in aloe, you can with diphenhydramine (both can be bought in ampoules at the pharmacy). Sore throat and cough.

• Carrot and beet juice can also be well buried with sunflower oil.

Sore throat and cough.

• You can pre-prepare calendula oil: Calendula flowers insist for 2 weeks in unrefined sunflower oil, strain, wring out.

• And if the cold starts, it’s good to inhale garlic. It is possible to ignite the core of garlic (not to throw out, but to dry for future use!) — it will smolder, and one must inhale this smoke.

• Another simple recipe for the common cold. Should take 2 tbsp. spoons of water and a slice of chopped garlic, insist 8-10 hours and instill 1-2 drops 3 times a day.

• Not bad help and such drops: boiled water, a pinch of soda drinking and iodine. And of course, his feet are warm.

Healing. Sore throat and cough.

In our family, anginas often happen. And the doctor that — will come, in his mouth will look, will write out the tablets and leave. And we thought then what to do. After all, there are some proven and effective folk remedies.

And somehow I came across an article about St. John’s wort. It turns out that the tincture on alcohol — the surest remedy for tonsillitis. And because of chronic tonsillitis and our family angina happened.

I did not buy the tincture in the pharmacy, I cooked it myself. After all, what you collect and cook with your own hands, it is always more useful. I collected the St. John’s wort outside the city, where the air is cleaner, and people and cars are smaller.

I prepared a tincture for this recipe:

30 g of St. John’s wort, as it should be grinded and poured half a glass of alcohol. She insisted in a dark, cool place for two weeks and filtered through several layers of gauze. To take a hunter’s tincture, you need 50 drops 3 times a day after meals.

Another preparation from her rinse solution: 40 drops to dissolve in half a glass of water.


Sore throat and cough.

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