Posts Tagged ‘eczema treatment’

Means for the treatment of mycosis.

Means for the treatment of mycosis.

Means for the treatment of mycosis. Means for the treatment of mycosis. Of the traditional medicine, perhaps the most powerful for the treatment of mycosis are recipes with vinegar. Vinegar inhibits the vital activity of fungi and it is hardly possible to find a better remedy for treating mycosis at home. For the treatment of […]

Treatment of abscesses.

Treatment of abscesses.

Treatment of abscesses. To accelerate the ripening of an abscess, folk healers recommend such a remedy — grate fresh onions and apply gruel to the affected area; Bake the onion or boil it in milk, apply it hot to the abscess and bandage it. Change the bulbs every 4-5 hours; Bake the onion, grind and […]

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin. Death of the skin. Bedsore — necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous layer and other tissues with prolonged pressure on them in conditions of impaired blood circulation. Most often, bedsores are formed in debilitated patients who spend a long time in bed without movement. The likelihood of bedsores increases with anemia, vitamin […]

Eczema treatment.

Eczema treatment.

Let’s help the skin. Eczema treatment. Eczema treatment. At a daughter (18 years) my girlfriend from the early childhood an eczema. And if for the child only his health was important, then in the teenage years, beauty came first. And what can I say, when the girl has stains all over her body. Of course, […]

A method of treating thrush.

A method of treating thrush.

A method of treating thrush. Half an hour in 800 ml of boiling water withstand two large spoons of linden inflorescences and three — oak bark. A method of treating thrush. The filtered infusion is used in the evenings. With thrush on the vaginal mucosa, douching with chamomile infusion (three large spoons) and cuffs (two […]

Douching for thrush.

Douching for thrush.

Douching for thrush. The method of treatment is indicated for thrush of the vaginal mucosa. The course, as a rule, lasts no longer than five days.The procedure should be approached with the utmost care. Doctors keep repeating that during douching, along with pathogenic microorganisms, beneficial microflora is excreted from the vagina. Add two large tablespoons […]

Infusions from thrush.

Infusions from thrush.

Infusions from thrush. Reception of phyto-infusions helps at home to deal with manifestations of candidiasis of any localization. Itching, burning are eliminated. If we are talking about thrush of the vaginal mucosa, there are discharge. You need to use infusions for up to two weeks. Mono Infusions The treatment of candidiasis in women and men […]