Posts Tagged ‘atopic dermatitis’

Means for the treatment of mycosis.

Means for the treatment of mycosis.

Means for the treatment of mycosis. Means for the treatment of mycosis. Of the traditional medicine, perhaps the most powerful for the treatment of mycosis are recipes with vinegar. Vinegar inhibits the vital activity of fungi and it is hardly possible to find a better remedy for treating mycosis at home. For the treatment of […]

Treatment of abscesses.

Treatment of abscesses.

Treatment of abscesses. To accelerate the ripening of an abscess, folk healers recommend such a remedy — grate fresh onions and apply gruel to the affected area; Bake the onion or boil it in milk, apply it hot to the abscess and bandage it. Change the bulbs every 4-5 hours; Bake the onion, grind and […]

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin. Death of the skin. Bedsore — necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous layer and other tissues with prolonged pressure on them in conditions of impaired blood circulation. Most often, bedsores are formed in debilitated patients who spend a long time in bed without movement. The likelihood of bedsores increases with anemia, vitamin […]


Neurodermatitis.As I fought with neurodermatitis.Six months ago I had a lot of stress. Having problems at work. Stress provoked an attack of neurodermatitis.The neck area, in the back of the knee, elbows and pits on the palms and even unpleasant poured papular plaques of small formations. I lost my appetite. He lost weight due to low blood pressure. I feel sluggish, apathetic, quickly tired.

Eczema treatment.

Eczema treatment.

Let’s help the skin. Eczema treatment. Eczema treatment. At a daughter (18 years) my girlfriend from the early childhood an eczema. And if for the child only his health was important, then in the teenage years, beauty came first. And what can I say, when the girl has stains all over her body. Of course, […]

Infusions for external use.

Infusions for external use.

Infusions for external use. From dermatitis. To get rid of seborrheic dermatitis on the head, use dandelion infusion. Five tablespoons of dry raw materials are insisted in boiling water for about an hour, after which the affected area is treated. The recipe is equally effective in treating adults and children. A folk remedy from hop […]

Oils for dermatitis.

Oils for dermatitis.

Oils for dermatitis. Oils prepared at home are more effective than purchased oils. It can be applied to the epidermis or taken orally. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of inflammation and the individual reaction of the body, but cannot exceed two months. Rosehip oil, prepared at home, is recommended for radiation. Rosehip […]