Posts Tagged ‘eczema’

Means for the treatment of mycosis.

Means for the treatment of mycosis.

Means for the treatment of mycosis. Means for the treatment of mycosis. Of the traditional medicine, perhaps the most powerful for the treatment of mycosis are recipes with vinegar. Vinegar inhibits the vital activity of fungi and it is hardly possible to find a better remedy for treating mycosis at home. For the treatment of […]

Treatment of abscesses.

Treatment of abscesses.

Treatment of abscesses. To accelerate the ripening of an abscess, folk healers recommend such a remedy — grate fresh onions and apply gruel to the affected area; Bake the onion or boil it in milk, apply it hot to the abscess and bandage it. Change the bulbs every 4-5 hours; Bake the onion, grind and […]

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin. Death of the skin. Bedsore — necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous layer and other tissues with prolonged pressure on them in conditions of impaired blood circulation. Most often, bedsores are formed in debilitated patients who spend a long time in bed without movement. The likelihood of bedsores increases with anemia, vitamin […]

Clay treating psoriasis.

Clay treating psoriasis.Bought clay in the pharmacy, it is now not a problem. Clay treating psoriasis. And I was treated well. From clay balls about the size of catalase with a walnut and a day kept them in the sun.

Ointment for eczema.

Ointment for eczema. 

Ointment for eczema.  How to treat eczema. Ointment for eczema. I want to tell you to tell you how in just a week, you can get rid of eczema plagued many patients for a decade or more. Ointment for eczema. Eczema can be because of nerves, a little upset people, and a few minutes later all […]

Methods for thrush.

Methods for thrush.

Methods for thrush. Propolis Methods for thrush. It is recommended to chew propolis if candidiasis is found on the tongue. A single dose of a bee product should be equal to the size of a pea. Two or three such doses should be consumed per day.Before using the advice, it is best to make sure […]

Traditional methods for thrush.

Traditional methods for thrush.

Traditional methods for thrush. Adepts of alternative medicine consider effective the treatment of candidiasis in adults of both sexes through well-known improvised products. Some recipes are suitable for children. They are aimed at relieving the main symptoms of infection. Aloe For the treatment of thrush before childbirth, aloe juice is suitable. It is extracted from […]