Cellulite — no problem.

Cellulite - no problem.

Cellulite — no problem.

Best way to get rid of cellulite.

Cellulite is a problem for many women. And the saddest thing is that only one can get rid of this problem. I work as a fitness instructor. For several years I have been helping women to solve problems with the appearance, including getting rid of cellulite. It decided to share their knowledge with readers.

First of all, to combat the «orange peel» fit special exercises:

• Squat to spread your legs. Try it, and you will like it. This is an excellent exercise to strengthen the inner thighs. In addition, in this way you can get rid of the ugly sagging in the area. Find the expressive bend of the inner surface. These legs are usually said to be perfect.

• Make Machi a straight leg to the side, leaning against the wall. The exercise is simple — the flies should not be too large. But that often you do them, the better.

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TO HELP Astragalus.

TO HELP Astragalus.

TO HELP Astragalus.

TO HELP Astragalus. Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovy affects the body as a vegetable anabolic, ie accelerates muscle growth, increases muscle strength, has a tonic and tonic effect. It can be safely used without fear to people with poor health, after a long and severe illness. Astragalus is one of the few plants that have the ability to reduce body fat, including in the vessels.

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Carrot cream.

Carrot cream.

Carrot cream.

Medical plants and their uses.

To make ulcers and wounds heal better, you need to make carrot oil.

Carrot cream.

For this cup grated carrots should be put in a pan with a lid. Pour over with vegetable oil. Then put the pan on a boiling water bath — another pot of boiling water. Heat should be about 15 minutes, until a boil. Then cool at room temperature. Press in two layers of gauze. The oil is ready.

You can take it inside and outwardly, lubricate sore spots. Drink Markov oil teaspoon 4 times a day. Holding in the mouth for three minutes. Carrot oil is stored in the refrigerator.

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Suppositories for hemorrhoids.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids. Homemade candles are used at home to treat stage 2 and 3 hemorrhoids. The size and shape of suppositories should be as close as possible to pharmacy suppositories. The use of suppositories is indicated until the unpleasant symptoms are eliminated.

With internal chronic hemorrhoids use «ice» candles. Prepare paper molds of a cylindrical size. Water is placed in them (can be replaced with a decoction of chamomile) and sent to the freezer for solidification. Before use, the candle is placed in hot water at one end for easier insertion and the mold is removed. The first days the candle is kept for no more than two minutes. Then add one minute at a time.

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Broths for hemorrhoids.

Broths for hemorrhoids.

Broths for hemorrhoids.

At home, herbal teas are prepared from plants known in folk medicine. The recommended course is up to three months. Repeat as needed.


A tablespoon of St. John’s wort is combined with 0.23 liters of water and boiled for fifteen minutes over low heat. Drink three times a day with an internal inflammatory process, a quarter of a glass.

A couple of teaspoons of the mountaineer in half a liter of moisture is boiled for fifteen minutes (the fire must be strong). Having wrapped up, they defend for several hours. Used as a styptic and for pain relief, half a cup up to four times a day.

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Diet for varicose veins.

Diet for varicose veins.

Diet for varicose veins. 

There is a special medical diet for varicose veins. Diet for varicose veins. But this does not mean that dietary restrictions are not required. All those who are interested in the problem of varicose veins should clearly understand that the products useful for veins, and there are those that simply harm.

Diet for varicose veins.

Useful are:

• Sources of vitamin E, which give the elasticity of the veins. It is sprouted grain rye and wheat, soybeans, peas, beans, lentils, lettuce, green onions. Also the liver, egg yolk, corn, olive oil and soybean oil.

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Muscat liqueur.

Muscat liqueur.

Muscat liqueur.

Tomatoes from varices.

My mother suffered greatly from varicose veins. Muscat liqueur. I have tried a lot of different medicines and ointments, but nothing it did not help.

There is experience in treating varicose fat enlargement with green tomatoes.
You need to take a green tomato. Cut into slices. Apply to varicose veins.

I remove the circles as soon as I start to feel a burning sensation. Then immediately washed that place with clean cool water.

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