Buckwheat diet with yogurt.

Buckwheat diet with yogurt.

Buckwheat diet with yogurt. How to make buckwheat?

Diet for weight loss in the home menu.

One of the few diets that have a good effect for losing weight. Also has a pronounced therapeutic effect. This is the diet of buckwheat porridge and yogurt. This diet is also effective. Refers to a group of balanced diets and cleansing.

Buckwheat diet with yogurt.

What do we eat?

The essence of the diet is as follows.
We must take the necessary amount of buckwheat the next day. Rinse the rump several times with cold water. Remove dirty.
Pour boiling water overnight in buckwheat. Proportions 1 cup buckwheat for two glasses of water. Close tightly than ever. Wrap it. You can use convenient thermoses.

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Diet Minus 2-3 kg for 3 days.

Diet Minus 2-3 kg for 3 days.

Diet Minus 2-3 kg for 3 days.

Diet slimming belly menu for the week.
On bananas for three days. Diet. Minus 2-3 kg for 3 days.

1. Fast and cheap. 

It is believed that bananas — not the most suitable fruits for a diet. However, in the case of mono-diet, ie a diet product in a short time, the bananas are ideal!
They are so hearty that hunger does not threaten you! So we start!

The diet lasts only three days. During this time, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to eat one banana and drink a glass of milk or a yogurt. Water or green tea without sugar can be drunk at any time and in any quantity.

Your daily rate — 3 bananas and 3 glasses of skim milk or yogurt (1%). As you can see, nothing complicated, but still all available products. We just need to stock up on willpower.

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How to cure pharyngitis.

How to cure pharyngitis.

How to cure pharyngitis.

  1. Treatment with folk remedies for atrophic pharyngitis and subatrophic form is often based on the use of infusions of peppermint leaves or yarrow grass. In the first case, take 10 g per glass of boiling water, in the second — 15 grams. Stand under a towel for 40 minutes, filtered. Gargle no more than five times a day until the discomfort disappears.
  2. Squeeze the juice from one beetroot, dilute in equal parts with warm water, add a spoonful of vinegar. Use at least five times a day.
    Vinegar is extremely undesirable for sore throats, as it dries the mucous membrane.
  3. Two tbsp. l eucalyptus leaves, one tbsp. l linden, one tbsp. l pharmacy chamomiles and 0.5 tablespoons of thyme herb are mixed. Separate 15 grams of collection, pour 0.25 liters of hot water, stand under the lid for 30 minutes. Warm infusion gargle four times a day until the symptoms disappear.
  4. Mix a few tablespoons of the root of the medicinal marshmallow, 5 grams of the herb of the sweet clover, calamus swamp and chamomile flowers. 30 grams of raw material are separated, crushed and mixed with 300 ml of water. Heated for 15 minutes in a water bath. Filtered. The resulting infusion is combined with 100 ml of pure warm water. Rinse several times a day.
  5. Connect two parts of coltsfoot and one of peppermint leaves. Take 15 grams of the mixture, add boiling water to a cup. After one hour, filter and gargle. The number of procedures per day is three to four.

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Rinse for pharyngitis.

Rinse for pharyngitis.

Rinse for pharyngitis.

At home, rinsing the pharynx with medicinal infusions and decoctions is recommended for people of any age. The procedure eliminates discomfort, provides a warming effect. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms.
Frequent rinsing of the sore throat leads to the drainage of the mucous membrane, which is already thinned.

  1. Take a teaspoon of oak bark, chamomile or calendula, brew a glass of boiling water. 40 minutes later filtered and used to rinse. Repeat the procedure at least three times a day until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated. The recipe is indicated in the treatment of acute, chronic and catarrhal pharyngitis.
  2. One art. a spoonful of sea salt is added to a liter of warm water, stirred well. A folk remedy is used to combat atrophic, acute and chronic ailment for a week. Rinse five times a day. Recommended for children and adults. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women.
  3. To 300 ml of boiling water add a tablespoon of oak bark and viburnum (mixture), insist for an hour. The infusion is used to rinse with acute and other types of pharyngitis five times a day. The course should continue until the pain and sore throat are eliminated.
  4. Take 1 tsp. fruits of viburnum, bark of oak and willow, St. John’s wort and birch leaves. The resulting collection is poured into 0.45 liters of boiling water and left for three hours in a warm place under the lid. Filtered infusion gargle thrice three times a day.
  5. Take 5 grams of the root of Valerian officinalis and sage leaves, 10 grams of flowers of the scepter mullein and mallow, 15 grams of comfrey. 15 g of the mixture are steamed with a liter of boiling water, infused for 12 hours. Strained infusion is used seven times a day.

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Cleansing Diet Baron Baptiste.

Cleansing Diet Baron Baptiste.

Cleansing Diet Baron Baptiste.

Cleansing Diet Baron Baptiste. This diet will help you to move to a proper diet, and along the way to get rid of excess weight.

1. Who is Baron Baptiste?

So name the famous teacher of yoga, author of the original program, «Baptiste Power Yoga». In addition to a set of physical exercises he devised a seven-day diet that restores the normal rate of metabolism and allows you to quickly lose weight. The result will be more pronounced if the diet at the same time you will find time for exercise.

2. The seven-day marathon.

Diet (three phases).

The first stage (lasting two days) is designed to prepare you for the reduction of the usual daily diet.
The second stage (designed for 3 days) — discharge.
Third ethane (two day pass) — a smooth transition from the diet.
In the first and third stage need to eat on the menu given.

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How to lose weight without starving.

How to lose weight without starving.

How to lose weight without starving.

How to lose weight fast at home without. Lose weight fast and effectively at home.

As a rule, many weight-loss process is associated with a restriction in the use of food, pet foods. How to lose weight without starving. In some cases, it is unbearable because of the irresistible and even painful feelings of hunger.

Strong stress, which is then exposed to the body, affects physical and emotional health. Therefore, you should pay attention to weight loss without fasting methods.

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The best remedy for cellulite.

The best remedy for cellulite.

The best remedy for cellulite.

Most women do not need to tell you what is cellulite. The best remedy for cellulite. The fair sex know how it looks, and even with the mechanisms of emergence nasty orange peel on the skin known. But during the beach season is not up to us to medical terms, I want to just get rid of the hated orange peel.

Cellulite in one form or another affects almost all women, regardless of age, stature and weight. The special structure of the skin of women and its increased extensibility, intended by nature for childbearing, the female makes the skin vulnerable.

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