How to lose weight fast.

How to lose weight fast.

How to lose weight fast.

16 Ways.

How to lose weight fast. Should I torture myself every day, counting every calorie eaten and giving a lifetime of kebabs and cakes, chocolates and biscuits?

It is believed that only one in ten people, who are overweight, finds the strength to consult a dietician. Of those who turned only one in five grows thin. During the next three to six months, it loses up to 3-10 kilograms. Weight loss from one of the five kilograms preserves the result achieved in one year.

How to lose weight fast.

So how do you lose weight quickly, safely and without heroic efforts? Is this even possible? Yes, if you follow some simple rules:

1. If you eat every day in a cafe or restaurant. Your usual dinner is a large plate with pasta with a pork chop or cheeseburger and French fries. Only one day a week they order the waiter not with fast food, but a plate with salad and chicken breast.

2. Do not buy chips in the store, chocolate bars and other snacks. And if you want to eat a chocolate bar. You need to dress up and go to the nearest grocery store.

3.Your breakfast should consist of a mixture of protein and whole grains. This can be a ham sandwich or buckwheat porridge with a piece of salmon and low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruit or nuts. This calorie breakfast should be at least 300 kcal. Good breakfast, you will not go for food and continually snacking throughout the day.

How to lose weight fast.

4. Use any opportunity to submit to perform simple physical exercises, dancing to the music instead of snacking and lying on the couch.

5.Broste smoking and at the same time join a fitness club.

6.Make bulkhead food stored in your kitchen and the cellar.


sweets and sugar — candy, marmalade and black chocolate,

chips and buns — on black bread and crisp bread with bran,

pork and lamb, sausages and canned meat — a chicken and sea fish,

potatoes and white rice — buckwheat and oats, beans,

butter and margarine — on olive and flaxseed oil,

beets and carrots — cabbage, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, celery,

grapes and bananas — apples, grapefruit and avocado,

sour cream and cheese — on yogurt and kefir, cottage cheese and soft cheese,

figs and raisins — on prunes and dried apples,

sodas and juices for commerce — for drinking water, green tea and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

7.Hodite daily 10,000 steps at a speed of 4-6 km / h.

8.Net regular opportunities to walk and run in the open air — study at home on a treadmill or stationary bike.

9.Vmesto sausages, ham and hard cheese pizza add in the tomatoes, herbs and mozzarella cheese.

10.20 minutes of jogging on the street or 40 minutes dance at lunchtime, instead of soup and steak for lunch eat a salad and a piece of salmon, or drink a glass of low-fat yogurt (sour milk, kefir, yogurt).

How to lose weight fast.

11.Obratite focus on yoga and exercises 3-5 times a week.

12. If you buy a standard set of fast food (hamburger + fries + wafer cone) — replace it with a child’s portion of fried potatoes — all (or a hamburger without Coca-Cola).

13.Ostavte place for favorite meals 1-2 times a week. This may be a tile of dark chocolate and a slice of pizza, ice cream and melon, baked lean meat (beef, turkey) and dates.

14.Sovremennye dancing and aerobics classes at the gym and swimming — 3-5 hours a week would be sufficient for the harmony and health.

15.Do not eat after 18-19 hours 5 times a week. And 2 days you can relax and eat at 21-23 hours.

16.Get a dog. Walk with her 2 times a day. It is a good incentive to go out in any weather.

Everything is always easy, the problem is motivation. How to make yourself lose weight. Why is it even necessary? During the months follow a strict diet. There are no more than 1200 calories a day you can not. Do not less than 2-3 points from these sixteen. And you will certainly lose weight during the year by 5 — 7 kg!

How to lose weight fast.

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