Cleaning the kidney.

Cleaning the kidney.

Cleaning the kidney.

Shoe renal incontinence in my recipe can help many. Cleaning the kidney. The more salt that are displayed at the same time: oxalates, phosphates, urate, gidrokalikoz destroyed.

To prepare the composition will need: knot-grass (knotweed), Agrimony, hops, hips — 20 g, pennyroyal (purple) — 15 g, lemon balm timber — 15g, leaf cranberries — 10 g

Now about the preparation of: 2 tbsp. spoon with a slide collection pour 2 cups boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes.

Drink a glass 3 times a day before meal for 10-20 minutes. The whole course of treatment for 14 days.

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Ulcer cure brine.

Ulcer cure brine.

Ulcer cure brine.

Treatment for stomach ulcers.

Ulcer cure brine. In our family, all treats grandmother. She herself out of the village, and there before the tablets do not really trust.
That ulcer father grandmother cured without drugs, and even surgery because the doctors suggested.

We are all waiting for her to cook some old dope. And she already began to drink cabbage and drink her father’s pickle. We did not eat as much cabbage as she did.

Therefore, the brine was enough for the treatment of my father.He drank it a lot. One — two cups 3-4 times a day.

Need to drink somewhere an hour before meals. Just a day, five — six glasses. Because of this, dad had to abide by and nutrition. He took pickle on the clock and ate it.

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garlic treatment.

garlic treatment.

garlic treatment.

Always rescue garlic.

Garlic helps me always, a real lifesaver. From all ills helps me, I do not remember the last time I spoke to the doctors.

For example, as soon as runny nose begins, garlic juice is squeezed on cotton wool and invest tamponchiki nostrils. The rhinitis is gone!

And hypertension garlic found council. Before eating it 1-2 teeth garlic.

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Elixir Health.

Elixir Health.

Cocktail «Health».

Elixir Health:

Elixir Health. There are a lot of elixirs, cocktails, tinctures of interesting and miraculous .

For example, lemon-garlic elixir heals joints, resolves blood clots, increases immunity, protects against influenza. Through the meat grinder you need to scroll 4 heads of garlic and 4 lemons with skin, but without seeds.

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Protect the thyroid gland.

thyroid medication folk remedies.

A few years ago I started to increase the thyroid gland.

I know this is dangerous. If measures are not taken promptly, the case can be transferred before the operation. It is clear that all thoughts were only about the disease, about some feelings.

I learned a lot about treatment methods. Most of them had doubts. Not guaranteed success. Or they were very expensive. I was completely omitted, but an incident occurred.

I stumbled by chance on some book on the indoor medicinal plants, and found there a way to deal with a variety of tumors and thyroid diseases.
The basis of preparation of the drug was taken there is a houseplant, a golden mustache. Incidentally, this plant, like many others, I over and over age homes is growing. So infusion Golden mustache very good help in such diseases.

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Herbal treatment of women’s diseases.

Herbal treatment of women's diseases.

Herbal treatment of women’s diseases.

Herbal treatment of women’s diseases. Despite the success of pharmacology, medicine, gave a lot of new effective drugs, the use of medicinal plants is gaining great momentum.

A judicious combination of synthetic assets with herbal remedies results in the successful treatment of many diseases. Huge value of plants and disease prevention. Medicinal herbs have a mild effect on the body, almost without causing adverse effect.

Of particular interest is the use of herbs in gynecological practice. For the treatment of cervical erosion gynecologists recommend chamomile blossoms:

tablespoon of chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. After cooling herbal infusion used for douching. For the treatment procedure quite 10-14.

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Facial Rejuvenation.

Facial Rejuvenation.

Facial Rejuvenation in 50 years.

Some women think that after 50 years they have lived their whole life. Facial Rejuvenation. And they do not need to take care of themselves anymore. Fortunately, such a minority. Others simply realize that caring for themselves, for their skin, and in particular the person must move to a new, more qualitative level. It should be more careful about his body, especially during skin care.

Facial Rejuvenation in 50 years should start with the normalization of metabolism and replenish lost moisture in the skin. After scientists demonstrated that the aging process caused, first of all, the loss of moisture in the skin. Namely, the moisture needed for rejuvenation and good condition of the skin.

The main elements of reducing skin functions act as stress and environmental factors — a bad environment, dry indoor air, dust, wind, sun, cold … All this greatly reduces the process of skin regeneration after 50 years.

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