From eczema.

From eczema.

From eczema.

Infusions for internal use. Presented phyto fees are taken within a month. Preferably — before meals.

  1. In the classical course of the disease, an infusion with the addition of chicory is recommended. The root, in an amount of 5 grams, is mixed with an equal amount of fennel seeds, dandelion roots and buckthorn bark. Pour 500 ml of hot water and stand under the lid for 10 minutes. Take three times a day, 150 ml.
  2. Mix art. spoon burdock root and a similar number of dandelion roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Strain the infusion. Take 2 tablespoons twice a day.
  3. A tablespoon of elecampane roots pour a cup of hot water, let it brew. Strain through cheesecloth and drink three times a day.
  4. Pour a glass of boiling water st. a spoonful of motherwort leaves. After filtering, the infusion is taken in a tablespoon per day.
    Reception motherwort reduces the concentration of attention and causes drowsiness, so it is not suitable for people leading an active social life.
  5. 100 grams of birch mushroom is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist a few weeks. Filter and take a dessert spoon, diluted in a glass of water, three times a day.
  6. Pour 6 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed viburnum with three cups of hot water and insist 4 hours. Drink half a cup four times a day.
    The prescription is dangerous in the presence of renal pathologies.

From eczema.

  1. Add 1 tbsp of hot water to the glass. collection spoon from the roots and leaves of dandelion. Insist 8 hours, drink hot in half a glass 4 times a day.
  2. Mix in equal proportions the root of the medicinal dandelion, fennel seeds, chicory root. Add 2 parts bark of buckthorn brittle. Combine 15 grams of the mixture with hot water, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Drink three times a day in a glass.
  3. Mix in equal proportions a leaf of walnut and grass of a three-colored violet. A few dessert spoons of the mixture pour two cups of hot water. Let stand 1 hour. Drink strained infusion during the day.
  4. Make a mixture of 15 grams of valerian root and succession, 10 grams of dioica nettle, tricolor violet, pharmacy chamomile, common oregano, creeping thyme, bare licorice root and horsetail. Art. add a spoonful of collection to 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink strained 1/3 cup three times a day.
    The drink has an effect on the nervous system, therefore it is not suitable for people who lead an active social life and need an increased concentration of attention.
  5. Take 50 g of calendula and ordinary yarrow. Pour boiling water (300 ml). Stored for two hours, take water four times a day.
  6. A mixture of centaury and yarrow (5 g each), string and knotweed (15 g each) pour boiling water (400 ml) and insist in a warm place for 12 hours. Take three times a day for 1/2 cup.
  7. At home, microbial eczema is treated with this infusion: 20 g of lingonberry berries and 20 g of succession are poured with 250 ml of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours and taken chilled three times a day.
From eczema.
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