Inhalation from asthma.

Inhalation from asthma.

Inhalation from asthma.

With the help of essential oils and other improvised means, inhalations are carried out at home. Couples have a healing effect, helping to prevent attacks. Terms of use of the procedure in most cases are not limited.
Steam (hot) inhalations are unacceptable at the slightest increase in body temperature.

  1. Apply a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a cotton napkin. They are placed at the head of the bed for the night.
  2. Five drops of eucalyptus oil are dripped into a pot of boiling water. Bend the head over the tank and for 10 minutes. inhale the vapors. Breathe deep.
  3. Boil the potatoes until soft. Knead and lay in a bowl. They bow their heads over the container and cover themselves with a towel. Inhale steam for 5 minutes. At the same time, pauses are taken for a cowberry drink (1 teaspoon of dry or fresh raw materials per cup of boiling water). As soon as relief comes, they go to bed and cover themselves with a blanket.
  4. In a sudden attack, open a bottle of ammonia and inhale the vapor for several seconds. In addition, ammonia can be taken orally by breeding a couple of drops in a hundred milliliters of liquid.
    In patients with epilepsy, inhalation of ammonia is contraindicated because of the high probability of developing an attack.
  5. A pinch of aspen leaf, burdock of may, and needles of fresh fir are added to a glass of hot moisture. They stand for an hour, after which they add a dessert spoon of soda. They warm the composition and inhale the vapor for a quarter of an hour. The recipe is intended for accelerated sputum discharge in bronchial asthma.

Inhalation from asthma.

  1. 1: 2 mix purified water and honey. No more than twenty milliliters are poured into the inhaler. The procedure is continued for 20 minutes.
  2. In a water bath melt 50 g of beeswax and 10 g of propolis. Lean over the container, covering his head with a towel, and inhale the fumes through the mouth. Perform twice a day for fifteen minutes. Thus, the treatment of bronchial pathology occurs.
  3. Take 15 grams of dried dumplings and plantain, 10 g each — thyme and calendula. A couple of dessert spoons of the mixture is poured into 230 ml of water and boiled for twenty minutes. Use 20 ml for each inhalation. The number of procedures is fifteen, one daily.
  4. Eucalyptus leaves are poured with water and placed on fire. After boiling, the container is removed from the heat. Vapors inhale ten minutes.
  5. Burn dry nettle leaves or coltsfoot, and inhale the smoke for a couple of minutes. Recommended for relief of an attack.
  6. Inhalation with ginger oil is effective. A piece of ginger root is ground on a grater, poured with olive oil, covered with a lid and heated for ten minutes in a microwave. Cool and clean away from the sun. For inhalation, boiled potatoes (mashed) are used, onto which several drops of oil are dripped. The duration of the session is a quarter of an hour.
Inhalation from asthma.
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