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Deep vein thrombosis causes.

Deep vein thrombosis causes.

How to maintain leg health? Deep vein thrombosis causes. If you have varicose veins or even have just a tendency to develop this ailment. Then you need to comply with certain rules aimed at protecting the veins of the legs from the development of the disease. Deep vein thrombosis causes. These rules may seem very simple. […]

Gastro chest pain.

Gastro chest pain.

Gastro chest pain. Gastrocardiac syndrome. Gastrocardiac syndrome (GCS), or, as it is also called, Udine-Remheldy syndrome. Gastro chest pain. Is a reflex reaction to irritation when eating in the stomach and esophagus receptors. That is, when the stomach is filled with food, irritation of the mucous membrane of its heart region occurs. This is due […]

Beautiful waistline.

Beautiful waistline.

Beautiful waistline. Beautiful waistline. Diet to reduce the sides and abdomen. Best way to lose weight. A complex diet for getting a flat stomach is based on fractional nutrition. The basic rule. Eat more often, but in small portions, avoiding overeating. Overeating leads to a stretching of the stomach. Consequently, to greater consumption of food. […]



Nephropathy: How to help the kidneys? Nephropathy is a frequent and formidable complication of type I diabetes (insulin-dependent). Less often, type II diabetes (not dependent on insulin). Nephropathy. With diabetes, the blood vessels of many organs are affected. In particular, the kidneys are affected. In this case, small arteries of glomeruli are destroyed, which filter blood […]

Cough suppressant.

Cough suppressant.

Cough suppressant. Cough suppressant. Honey with medicinal herbs is a medicinal prescription for herbal medicine. Today you can meet a huge amount of a variety of honey. I saw raspberry, sea-buckthorn, hips and even ginseng, which simply does not exist in nature, but which can be easily found on the shelves of our shops. Cough […]

Gastric erosion.

Gastric erosion.

Gastric erosion. Erosion of the stomach. Erosion of the stomach is a disease in which its mucous membrane is affected. Complete cure of the disease is impossible without adherence to a special diet. The correct diet prevents irritation of the mucosa and provides recovery of its cells. How to eat properly when eroding the stomach? First […]

Liver health.

Liver health.

Pumpkin against hepatitis. Liver health. Pumpkin is called the «queen» of vegetables, but not everyone often «invites» her to her table. Millet porridge with pumpkin — and everything except this «masterpiece» can not remember anything. Liver health. But after all, to ensure that the pumpkin really benefits your body, you need to eat a lot! Liver […]