Posts Tagged ‘kidney stone removal’

Than to clean the kidneys.

Than to clean the kidneys.

Than to clean the kidneys. Periodic cleansing procedures help keep the kidneys in good shape. It is best to clean the buds with parsley seeds. Prepare infusion from them: 1 teaspoon of seeds, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist overnight in a thermos. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day. Simultaneously with […]



Nephropathy: How to help the kidneys? Nephropathy is a frequent and formidable complication of type I diabetes (insulin-dependent). Less often, type II diabetes (not dependent on insulin). Nephropathy. With diabetes, the blood vessels of many organs are affected. In particular, the kidneys are affected. In this case, small arteries of glomeruli are destroyed, which filter blood […]

Kidney stone removal.

Kidney stone removal.

Kidney stone treatment. Kidney stone removal. Bow on kidneys helped. My husband discovered kidney stones. This was for him a complete surprise, although periodically appeared, as I now understand, renal colic. He thought he had a cold, and just lay back. But then I was fed up with his frequent hospital cases because of what, […]

Kidney stone medication.

Kidney stone medication.

The help of grasses with urate stones. Kidney stone medication. Along with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic herbs, it is necessary to use a number of herbs. Herbs with a certain specificity, depending on the composition of the stones formed. Kidney stone medication. Kidney stone medication. For example, with urate stones, the following collection is recommended: […]

Hronic kidney disease treatment.

Hronic kidney disease treatment.

Health food with uraturia. Hronic kidney disease treatment. The main reason for the appearance of urates in the urine. This is a violation of a type of protein metabolism —  the exchange of purines. Hronic kidney disease treatment. A clear decrease in urate in urine was revealed with a decrease in purine content in food. […]

Kidney disease treatment.

Kidney disease treatment

Kidney disease treatment. For many years I suffered from kidney problems. Kidney disease treatment. Who knows what pyelonephritis, I understand! What did not try, but completely overcome the disease did not work. And once I went on vacation to my friend in Karelia. Vacation fell to the beginning of September, and in those parts at […]

Cleaning the kidney.

Cleaning the kidney.

Cleaning the kidney. Shoe renal incontinence in my recipe can help many. Cleaning the kidney. The more salt that are displayed at the same time: oxalates, phosphates, urate, gidrokalikoz destroyed. To prepare the composition will need: knot-grass (knotweed), Agrimony, hops, hips — 20 g, pennyroyal (purple) — 15 g, lemon balm timber — 15g, leaf […]