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The three most harmful diets.

The three most harmful diets.

The three most harmful diets. Fasting Diet The most unhealthy diet is certainly fasting. This is when food is generally removed from food, and only water remains, because a person cannot live without water, he will live only a few days. Therefore, it remains to eat only water. The effect of this diet is obvious […]

Herbs for immunity.

Herbs for immunity

Herbs for immunity. Herbs for immunity. What folk remedies can be used to strengthen immunity. The immune system is a kind of defensive line of our body, protecting it from genetically foreign substances that come from outside or are formed in the body itself. The organs of the immune system produce immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes, plasmacids), […]



Cardioneurosis. Cardioneurosis. Poor sleep, rapid fatigue, palpitations? Hurry to the bath! How often, coming to an appointment, patients complain of increased fatigue, decreased ability to work, emotional exhaustion, and poor sleep. Some feel stabbing and sometimes aching pains in the heart area. You listen to the patient’s story, examine him. Yes, we have to admit: […]

Recipes of traditional medicine.

Recipes of traditional medicine.

Recipes of traditional medicine. Recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of reactive arthritis. As an added treat to conservative therapy for the relief of the patient are used in folk medicine Various ointments and compresses. At the pharmacy, you will always find a liquid or anti-inflammatory ointment. Recipes of traditional medicine. However, there are […]

How to treat bruises.

How to treat bruises.

How to treat bruises. How to treat bruises with folk remedies. They say that scars, scratches, abrasions and bruises adorn men, but women certainly do not need all these «decorations». But, unfortunately, this can happen to anyone, and necessarily at the wrong moment, but in the most conspicuous place where it is impossible to hide […]



Couperose. The main cause of rosacea is in weak vessels. Their disease can occur due to genetic characteristics of the body or hormonal changes. Excessive alcohol consumption, persistent overeating, smoking and climatic conditions can also cause red spots. So, in the winter months, entering a warm room from the street, the capillaries are exposed to […]


Rheumatism. Birch buds will help.Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.Rheumatism. Those who live in the countryside know about birch buds. This is an indispensable remedy for many ailments.