


Cardioneurosis. Poor sleep, rapid fatigue, palpitations? Hurry to the bath!
How often, coming to an appointment, patients complain of increased fatigue, decreased ability to work, emotional exhaustion, and poor sleep.

Some feel stabbing and sometimes aching pains in the heart area. You listen to the patient’s story, examine him. Yes, we have to admit: there are all the signs of cardioneurosis. What is this disease?

Cardioneurosis is a functional disorder of the heart. It is characterized by an increase in the perception of their pulse — some patients feel it all over the body, in the hand, in the head, chest pains last for a long time, causing the patient to feel fear of real heart diseases.

All this can be accompanied by sweating, slight dizziness, and a tendency to faint. More often women are susceptible to neuroses, cardioneuroses and neurasthenia. But now we can say with confidence that the stronger sex is quickly catching up with them.

The cause of cardioneurosis is simple and understandable — these are all sorts of psychogenic and neurogenic factors. We can say that cardioneurosis is a disease of civilization.

Pay attention to how complicated our life is with you. On the one hand, the latest advances in science are a great blessing, on the other hand, a mobile phone, a huge amount of video and audio equipment, a car and associated traffic jams, air pollution, and the recently fashionable «nightlife» — all this destroys human psyche, destroys natural biorhythms to which a person is obliged to obey.

On the other hand (and this has already begun to concern our realities of life), over the past 10-15 years, unemployment and uncertainty about the future have appeared.

Another factor: in order to feed a family, a person sometimes works two or three jobs.

All this gives rise to the disease.


Pain in the heart is a symptom that makes the doctor think hard: is it really the heart? Very often, even aching pains can occur with acute myocardial infarction, ischemic cardiomyopathy, myocarditis.

Unfortunately, the diagnosis of cardioneurosis is both simple and complex at the same time. It is necessary to listen carefully to all the patient’s complaints, weigh their significance, choose the appropriate diagnostic tests, and only then begin to treat.

Still, I would like to cheer our readers a little. If you have a hard job, a difficult family situation, you have been ill for a long time (ARVI, pneumonia, whatever), and against this background there appeared an unjustified fear of the future, heaviness or pain in the area of ​​the heart of a aching or piercing nature (it can stab and hurt from

several hours to a day), poor sleep along with a constant desire to sleep, palpitations, which help to calm drugs such as «Corvalol», then most likely you are dealing with cardioneurosis, and the treatment will be something like this:

1. You can try the drug «Novopassit» with a good anxiolytic effect and take it 2-3 times a day.

2. To relieve depressed mood, you can use St. John’s wort preparations, cold tinctures of chicory roots, arnica (1 -5 drops per 30 ml).

3. With a sharp predominance of excitation processes, you can prepare a collection of herbs: valerian root — 30 g, motherwort herb — 30 g, yarrow herb — 20 g, anise fruits — 20 g, dried grass grass — 10 g. Mix, take one teaspoon of the mixture ( this is 10 g) per 25 ml of boiling water. Take 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.

4. Take a bath with lemon balm herb and rosemary leaves, make a linen bag and pour 3 tablespoons of lemon balm and 2 — rosemary into it (2 tablespoons with top is 30 g). The water temperature should be 35 — 38 ° C, the residence time is 20 minutes. You can add 3-4 tablespoons of sea salt to the bath.

5. At night, I advise you to put a cotton swab under your pillow, on which to drop 1 drop of lavender essential oil.

6. Still, it will be better if you go to your doctor and entrust him with solving your health problems.


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  1. […] treatment. Neuritis is an inflammatory disease of the peripheral nerves, which can be caused by trauma, intoxication, infectious disease, metabolic disorders, and […]

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