Cholesterol Medication.

Cholesterol Medication.

Cholesterol and herbs.

Cholesterol Medication. From medicinal plants that can reduce cholesterol in the blood, the first place as the most active in this plan is to put Dioscreek the Caucasian.

About 30 years ago, polyspanin was obtained from the roots of the Caucasian Dioscorea. These pills were designed to lower cholesterol in the blood.

Later, the Pharmacopoeia Committee for some reason took this drug out of production and supplies. But the roots of the Caucasian Dioscorea can sometimes be purchased at a pharmacy.

The more accessible means in our area is the elder Black, especially well reduce cholesterol its roots.Although the roots, of course, more effective. But you can also use blackberry flowers and berries. They can be bought at the pharmacy. Also reduces cholesterol in any form of convolvulus. These are silver petals, crescent straight (kalgan) and goose goat beard. Read more »

Strengthening immunity.

Strengthening immunity.

Strengthening immunity.

Strengthening immunity. People prone to allergies, you must think about strengthening immunity, consult an immunologist and use immune medications.
Of course, the combination of words immune medications scares many, but there are also natural, soft, safe drugs. 

First of all, these are Echinacea preparations.
The Echinacea plant came to us from Latin America, it was used by the Indians to heal the wounds. Then they began to prepare medicines from the Echinacea in the Czech Republic, Yugoslavia, and then in Russia.

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National Council for colds.

National Council for colds.

Sore throat and cough.

National Council for colds. Our family often resort to treatment with traditional medicine, we also have a little experience.

For gargling.

National Council for colds. When a ngina advise gargle juice of Kalanchoe (live tree). Kalanchoe juice mixed with half water and gargle several times a day. In my family, sore throat gargle with calendula inflorescence, plantain leaves, herb wormwood — all equally. 1 tbsp. spoon mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, strain. Gargle every 2-3 hours.

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Fastest way to lose weight.

Fastest way to lose weight.

Menu from obesity.

Fastest way to lose weight.

Every woman has a dissatisfaction with her appearance.
Often and thin girls torture themselves. And for what? For the sake of false perfection.

They should know that beauty comes from within.
Regardless of how we improve, complexes can remain.

It is believed that weight loss begins with the head. You have to make a decision, and then follow it.
When losing weight, it is wise to treat sweet foods.
Eat more often, but little by little. Limit the consumption of fats and sugar.

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Osteoarthritis. I was tortured with pain in my knee — arthrosis. No pain ointments were removed. I bought grass with madder. Brewed with boiling water and drank like tea. Osteoarthritis.

Tasty and effective.

This herb dissolves salt not only in the joints, but also in the kidneys. Began to add to her tea 3 drops of fir oil.

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How to lose weight.

How to lose weight.

How to lose weight. Exercise will help lose weight. 

How to lose weight. A woman must choose what is best for her. Or from morning to evening practice in the gym. Or liposuction. And then for many years to feel uncomfortable with injections.
Physical activity is an important factor in a healthy lifestyle.

A middle-aged woman is especially important for understanding the need for daily morning exercises. After sleep, the body should return to active activity. Gymnastics greatly facilitates this process.

The duration of gymnastics is 15-20 minutes. It is known that the classroom should be well ventilated. Before classes you can drink a cup of raw. Or boiled water at room temperature.

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Personal beautician. SAUERKRAUT. Read this useful information!

Cabbage has been known to people since ancient times. Drinks it not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. It differs only in sauerkraut of different nations.

Especially sauerkraut appreciated the fact that since the autumn, and almost before the summer is able to maintain the most important and necessary for the body to vitamin C.

In addition it contains vitamins B, K, U, acetic and lactic acids, enzymes, silicon, sulfur, iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, calcium, boron, copper, phosphorous …

Consumption of sauerkraut improves digestion. Also reduces blood sugar. Removes cholesterol and toxins from the body. Caustic cabbage is one of the most effective preventive agents for cancer treatment.

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