Charges for glaucoma.

Charges for glaucoma.

Charges for glaucoma.

  1. At home, they are preparing a collection of plantain grass, lingonberry leaves, succession grass, knotweed, nettle and horsetail taken one dessert spoon each. Add 3 teaspoons of rose hips and mountain ash. 30 grams are taken, combined with three glasses of boiling water, the night is kept under a towel (you can use a thermos). The volume is intended for consumption per day.
  2. Ten grams of caraway seeds, coriander, anise, dill are mixed. Pour with hot liquid in the amount of 500 milliliters. Wait two hours and filter. Use ½ cup three times.
  3. In equal shares connect the licorice root, ginger, cinnamon, lemon balm, buckwheat flowers and motherwort. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with hot moisture in an amount of 200 ml. Withstand an hour and filter. Use three times a day for half a glass.
    Prolonged use of the composition leads to fluid retention in the body.
  4. Prepare a mixture of equal amounts of spring primrose, chokeberry, woodlice grass and blackcurrant leaves. 20 grams of the collection is steamed with 230 milliliters of boiling water and stored for thirty minutes in a dark place. The volume is calculated per day.
  5. In order to reduce intraocular pressure and normalize blood circulation, a collection is prepared from fifty grams of leafy birch leaves, plantain, nettle, grass, horsetail, knotweed, lingonberry, and a string taken. Add a hundred grams of St. John’s wort, 150 grams of rose hips and mountain ash. Two large tablespoons of the mixture are placed in a thermos, steamed with 700 ml of boiling water and insisted overnight. The next morning they are filtered. Drink during the day instead of tea. Each night a new folk remedy is steamed, continuing treatment until the symptoms of glaucoma disappear.

Charges for glaucoma.

  1. At the initial stage of the disease, the following remedy is recommended: add two teaspoons of rosehip flowers, a teaspoon of rosehip roots and 10 g of aloe root, ground to powder, to the crushed walnut raw material in the amount of three large spoons. A quarter of a piece of refined sugar is introduced. In 500 ml of boiling water, the mixture is incubated for half an hour. A strained product is taken in 15 ml at bedtime, lasting for twelve days. After 3 days, the course is repeated again.
    Excessive use of infusion can cause increased headaches.
  2. If there is glaucoma or cataract, proponents of alternative treatment recommend the following collection: 70 g of white mistletoe and oregano, 60 g of fruit tree. To prepare the drug take 450 ml of boiling water and 45 g of the mixture. It is kept under the lid for two hours. Drink after meals three times in 1/3 cup. The course continues for a month.
  3. The collection of the following components (15 g each) helps to stop the development of the disease: ginger root; liquorice root; buckwheat flowers; motherwort grass; lemon balm leaves. Take 15 grams of the collection, pour 1 ml of hot water for 1 hour. After filtering, they drink half a cup twice. Treatment takes place a month with a repetition in two weeks.
  4. Mix one part of flax grass, knotweed, string, lingonberry, plantain, nettle. Three parts of mountain ash and St. John’s wort are added, two are introduced — cinnamon rose hips. For 500 ml of boiling water, 30 g is required. After 3 hours, filter and drink half a cup each time before meals.

Charges for glaucoma.

  1. To half a liter of hot water add 1 tbsp. l Roots and bulbs. Insist hour. Squeeze the raw materials. Folk remedies are used once — for ¾ cup. Treatment does not stop for forty days.
  2. Take ten grams of elecampane root, drooping birch buds, blue cornflower, parsley flowers. Combined with forty grams of leaves of a three-leaf watch. Chopped. A large spoonful of raw material is added to a glass of hot moisture and can stand for an hour under a towel. Drink for two weeks, 30 ml each time after eating.
  3. Four parts of the duckweed plant and motherwort leaves are mixed, two are added — kelp leaves and one — ginger root. Take 15 g, steamed with 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 120 minutes. Filter through two layers of gauze. Drink two tbsp. l three times before meals.
Charges for glaucoma.
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