Tonic for problem skin.

Tonic for problem skin.

Tonic for problem skin.

The skin of the face is considered problematic when various kinds of inflammation occur on it. This condition is most common in adolescents: during this age period, puberty and hormonal changes cause it.

However, inflammations and acne appear for other reasons: they are provoked by an unhealthy diet, poor ecology, taking strong drugs, and the like. Therefore, neither men nor women of any age can insure their skin against rashes.

Problem skin requires full care: proper cleansing with special means, nutrition with masks, lotions, tonics, treatment with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs, as well as support from the inside through balanced nutrition.

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Gastritis with low acidity.

Gastritis with low acidity.

Gastritis with low acidity.

In this recipe, we’ll show you how to make an herbal infusion to relieve gastritis symptoms.

Why exactly these plants were included in the collection and what is their use for inflammation of the gastric mucosa?

Chamomile. Therapy of a patient with gastritis is impossible without this plant, since it heals the affected mucous membranes of the stomach. First, chamomile is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Secondly, it contains bisabolol: this is a unique substance that restores the gastric mucosa.

Yarrow. This component must be assembled if gastritis is accompanied by spasms. Also, yarrow reduces irritation of the inflamed lining of the stomach and has an antiseptic effect.

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We treat psoriasis with herbs.

We treat psoriasis with herbs

We treat psoriasis with herbs.


We treat psoriasis with herbs. The etiology of psoriasis is not fully understood. But today, more and more doctors are inclined to consider it a genetic disease, which is activated as a result of exposure to environmental factors. These include:

viral and bacterial infections;
wrong lifestyle;
climate change, hypothermia;
use of medications;
skin damage: burns, cuts, frostbite, bites.

These factors can cause an abnormal reaction of the immune system, which leads to a failure of skin regeneration — an overly rapid restoration of the epidermal layer, when the previous one does not have time to die off and grows.

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Pneumonia treatment.

Pneumonia treatment.

Pneumonia treatment.

Pneumonia is an acute infectious inflammation of the lungs that occurs primarily in the air bubbles called the alveoli. In a healthy person, they are filled with air, which promotes free gas exchange during breathing.

And in a patient with pneumonia, mucus and fluid accumulate in them, which limit the entry of oxygen into the lungs, causing coughing and chest pain.

A high risk of getting pneumonia are:

children under 5 years old;
aged people;
patients with chronic diseases: obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, heart failure, liver cirrhosis and others;
people with weakened immune systems;
those who work in public places and are in contact with a large number of people.

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Pyoderma is a group of acute and chronic skin diseases, usually caused by staphylococci and streptococci, less often by some other microorganisms.

The occurrence of pyoderma, pustular diseases, is facilitated by insect bites, scratching, diaper rash and other microtraumas.

Some forms of pyoderma are caused by disorders of the nervous system, internal organs, metabolic diseases, especially diabetes mellitus. The penetration of a pustular infection inside causes such skin diseases as folliculin, furunculosis and others.

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With hair loss.

With hair loss.

With hair loss.

Hair care for hair loss.
To get the maximum effect on hair from using mummy, you need to know how to use it. There are several options, the most affordable of which are:

1) Add the mummy solution to the shampoo.

To do this, pre-4 grams of mummy must be dissolved in 20-30 ml of warm broth of nettle or burdock root. Mix all this with 100 g of regular shampoo.

Apply to hair, rubbing it into the skin. Wait 3-5 minutes and wash off everything with warm running water. It is important to use only natural mummy (paste), not packed in capsules or tablets;

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If your leg is bridged.

If your leg is bridged.

If your leg is bridged.

If your leg is bridged. Nervous tics, spasms, prolonged convulsions accompanied by a feeling of pain drastically reduce comfort and performance, especially if the leg is bridged. The defeat of the facial muscles with a nervous tic, causes twitching of the eyelids and the corners of the mouth, with convulsions, as a rule, the muscles of the legs are affected.

An insufficient amount of magnesium and calcium in the human body is the cause of leg cramps.

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