How to make hair thicker.

How to make hair thicker.

How to make hair thicker. How to grow thick hair.

Beautiful thick hair at all times was considered a sign of beauty of health and attractiveness of a woman. And what to do to those who do not possess from nature a magnificent head of hair.

Whether it is possible to make hair more dense.

In the struggle for the beauty of hair, we turn to the usual products. After all, what is useful for nutrition, it is useful for nutrition of hair.

What will suit our hair.


Eggs contain many useful substances, B vitamins and proteins of the desired building material for hair. Apply a mask of eggs on the hair. Hold it for a few minutes. Then rinse with warm (not hot) water.

Such a nourishing mask can be made by mixing eggs in any proportions with kefir, bread, yoghurt, vegetable oil and honey. Particularly good mask for dry hair. To make him beat up 2 — 3 yolks. Rub into the roots and spread throughout the length of the hair. For dry hair, hold the mask for 30 minutes. Choosing ready-made masks, buy funds with lecithin, lanolin, jojoba oil, silk proteins.


Onion masks are an excellent tool for strengthening, growing and treating hair. In onions, many useful vitamins and valuable minerals. If you do not scare off the aroma of onions, cut the raw onions. Make a mask. If you do not like the scent, reduce the mask of onion peel. Wipe some time in the head of onion porridge or infusion of onion husk. A little massage it. Rinse the hair with shampoo.

Rye bread
Also effective in the struggle for the density of hair. Rye bread is a valuable source of vitamins E and B, minerals. Masks based on rye bread will help restore shine to the hair, make them thicker and healthier.

Grind 1 — 2 slices of bread pour it with a small amount of water and leave to swell and brew for about an hour. Remove any excess liquid. Apply the slurry to the skin and the entire length of the hair, cover with a film and wrap your head. After an hour, wash it off with shampoo.

Mustard powder
Well stimulates hair growth, due to the fact that it acts irritatingly on hair follicles. It stimulates blood circulation and more nutrients enter the bulbs. But mustard is not harmless at all.

Care must be taken in applying such an irritant. Dilute a teaspoon of dry powder with lukewarm water, apply to the roots and wait a few minutes. Gradually, each time the exposure time can be increased. Rinse off with warm water.

How to make hair thicker.

Healing Herbs for Hair Density.

Many plants have stimulating effects for hair growth and health. They can be combined, combined to achieve different effects. Nettles give the hair shine and strength, and the hair style is given by the volume. .

Burdock (burdock) strengthens hair bulbs, prevents hair loss and fights with dandruff. Birch leaves and buds. They strengthen the blood circulation of the scalp, make the head of hair soft and docile, add hair to the volume and make the laying easier. 2 — 3 tablespoons of crushed plants pour a little warm water, cover with a lid and insist for a while.

When the infusion is ready it is filtered and massaged, rubbed into the head into the roots of the hair and left on the hair without washing off.

You can do this after each washing of the head with the course, or it can be done from time to time, but at least 1 to 2 times a week. Milk and aloe juice. Because of the increased work of the sebaceous glands, hair follicles can weaken, dandruff and dull plaque appear. Rub for 30 minutes before washing hair into the head with curdled milk or aloe juice. This will help to degrease the scalp and strengthen the roots ..

Fragrant Oils. How to make hair thicker.

Another means of acquiring the density of hair are masks with essential oils. Adding a few drops in the oil — the basis can get excellent results. Oils can be combined, the main thing is not to overdo it — no more than 5 drops per procedure ..

Argan oil can be used as a basis. It restores the structure of the hair, making every hair stronger. For a basis it is possible to take castor, it feeds hair and accelerates their growth. Olive — returns the hair shine and strength, protects from falling out.

Strengthen the base will help Rosemary oil. Accelerates hair growth, fights dandruff.

Carnation. It improves blood circulation, stimulates hair growth.

Cinnamon. It warms the code, improves the nutrition of onions. It is very effective essential oil of wood. Improves blood flow, gives hair strength.

IMPORTANT. Most essential oils are contraindicated. While waiting for the child, it is better to use herbal remedies.


How to make hair thicker.


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