If your hair is dry.

If your hair is dry.

If your hair is dry.

If your hair is dry. Homemade hair treatments. Hair repair.

All my life I’m tortured by her hair. The skin on my head is dry and makes my hair dull and brittle. But recently, finally, turning to a specialist, I learned that it’s just dry hair. The result of wrong care. If your hair is dry.

The first thing I learned is that dry hair does not require frequent washing. But if you use a mild shampoo for damaged hair, you will not have problems.
Pay attention to the composition of the shampoo.

If your hair is dry.

Dry hair has a sandy, often damaged horny layer. Cationic polymers and collagen are contained in shampoo. They can «glue» the damaged areas.

In addition, dry hair can not be washed with hot water. Usually, it is sufficient to use hair shampoo only once to wash them.

One more thing. The longer the hair, the worse the ends. Therefore, they are broken or broken. To avoid serious damage, it is necessary to regularly cut the ends. But you need extra food and care.

Therefore, be sure to use balms and masks for dry hair. The most accessible means — castor oil, apply it on the head at least once in two weeks.

There are things that are counter-dry hair. It all factors degreasing scalp: soap, hard water, alcohol solutions, perm, frequent coloring.
To paint is better to use soft foam tint.
Dry hair is particularly harmful overdose of sun, salt and chlorinated water, sharp temperature drop, the wind, the frequent blow-drying.

If you are still using a hair dryer, dry your hair in the low temperature range and hold the dryer at a distance of 20 cm from the head. When installing, avoid strong fixation means.

At the same time as the wax emollient suitable for stacking. Very useful brush massage, during which fat as a natural emollient is distributed to the tips.
That’s all my advice, with their help, I was able to bring his head back in order. Now I do not have any problems with the hair.



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