Posts Tagged ‘knee pain’

Finger joint pain.

Finger joint pain.

Bariatric therapy for joints Finger joint pain. You can tell a lot about the life-giving power of needles, but today I will touch on one, rather narrow, side of its application — use for pain in joints. Coniferous brooms. In the treatment of joint diseases, an important role is played by «bath procedures». But it […]

Joint pain.

Joint pain.

If disturbing salt deposits. Joint pain. Joint pain. If you are concerned about the deposition of salts, it is desirable to do a blood test for the content of uric acid. And if the content of uric acid is increased, it is necessary to exclude from the food foods rich in purines: meat, poultry, fish, liver, […]

Knee pain treatment.

Knee pain treatment.

Knee pain treatment. Effective treatment of knee pain with folk remedies. Today’s topic. How to treat pain in the knees with simple folk remedies. Pain in the knee joints is a problem for many. Even very many people, especially the venerable age. At today’s prices, many do not have enough money. To consult with a […]

Treatment of arthritis.

Treatment of arthritis. Arthritis in knee. Folk remedies for the treatment of arthritis. Inflammatory joint disease (arthritis) — this disease is difficult and long treated. It develops the disease due to injuries, infections, metabolic disorders. The defeat of one of the joint — it monoartrit, if the lesion of multiple joints — a polyarthritis. Treatment […]

Arthritis treatment.

Arthritis treatment.

Arthritis treatment. Joint pain, treatment of joints with folk remedies. Arthritis treatment. How and with what folk remedies can I treat sick joints? Joint pain, treatment with folk remedies. In the evening, pour 5 grams of gelatin into a 0.5 liter glass jar, fill it with a glass of boiled water (cold!). In the morning, […]

Diet for arthritis sufferers.

Diet for arthritis sufferers.

Diet against arthritis. I want to tell the story of my dear aunt. Diet for arthritis sufferers. She is very sixties suffered arthritis and aching hands and feet. We urged her to turn to good doctors, undergo treatment, but she refused from everything. Well, she does not believe the doctors, that’s all. Therefore, even from an […]

Natural remedies for arthritis.

Natural remedies for arthritis.

If on foot, «bone» — is gout? Natural remedies for arthritis. Joints hurt many people, when it is a certain age. But how — it can gout or some other disease, to slow down the disease in time, especially in the early stages, when the deformation is not disfigured joints. Women often happens with age […]