Mastopatia breast.

Mastopatia breast.

Mastopatia breast. 

How to treat breast mastopathy. 

Mastopatia breast. In the spring during the month should be three times a day (30 minutes before food) drink 0.5 cups next gathering: young shoots of spruce, aspen and young leaves young leaves of burdock — 1 part.

Fresh cut grass, put in an enamel bowl, add water (in a glass of raw materials, two glass of water), on low heat bring to a boil. Boil for five minutes. Then remove from heat. Cover the pan with a towel. Let stand for 2 hours, to press, strain.

This collection harmonizes the endocrine balance of the body. It strengthens the immune system. It improves heart function. It cleans the blood and increases hemoglobin.

When mastitis can be treated juices.

Mix one glass of carrot juice, beet juice, black radish juice, lemon juice, garlic juice, honey and «Cahors» — only 7 cups.

Mix all the ingredients with a wooden spoon in an enamel pot. Pour the mixture into a glass bottle with ground covers. Keep medicinal drug in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon mixture 3 times a day, 30 minutes after a meal. The resulting volume of the mixture is designed for 1 course of treatment.
After each course of treatment — month break. In total it is necessary to spend 5 courses per year.

Simultaneously with the reception of drug charges can be carried out inside the external topical treatment, imposing on the mammary gland compresses and applications. Moisten cheesecloth laboratory purified kerosene and applied to the gauze breast bandage for 20 minutes 1 time per day.


A record supply of phytoestrogens is found in flax seeds. Flax is able to improve the hormonal imbalance and background of a woman. Great for the treatment of menopause, hot flashes, insomnia, atherosclerosis, intestinal disorders.

The correct course of treatment is a whole month. Each new day, take about one (two is permitted) Art. l At the same time, be sure to drink it with liquid to prevent constipation. Many women will feel the expected effect for 2 weeks.


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