Best hemorrhoid treatment.

Best hemorrhoid treatment.

Help for hemorrhoids.

Best hemorrhoid treatment.

A lot of people suffer from hemorrhoids. Best hemorrhoid treatment. They had a long walk to the doctors and pereprobuyut probably all that can be. But it does not give long-term effect, but do not want surgery. It is very often hear that safely cure hemorrhoids, you can use of traditional medicine.

There are a lot of ways, and in magazines and newspapers of recipes you can find a lot. But I will describe only some received from reliable people, who had a chance to check on the property of the spouses:

• Mix equal amounts of grass trefoil, wormwood and gentian. All finely chop and boil for 1 hour. Spoonful of the mixture and 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day.

• During the day, there are as many raw grated carrots, and at night to drink 1 cup of very hot infusion of sorrel.

• Peeled garlic cloves swallow whole, garlic is not digested and passed in the feces through the intestines, burn diseased intestine, helping to heal.

• Coping with the swelling and pain makes therapeutic cube ice from decoction of chamomile, nettle, oak bark.
It is applied to the anus or swollen veins in the anal area for a few minutes.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids.

An old folk remedy for hemorrhoids. Steam bath for hemorrhoids

Boil a large pot of water, throw a thick sheaf of grass water pepper, pour the broth into the bucket, but most sit on top. Sit until the water went warm. Then the heat get dressed and go to bed. And after the first procedure significantly reduced pain.

Every night you need to do such a steam bath, and a week later, and everything goes. This recipe is not helped one of my friend — it turns out that women hemorrhoids happens more often than men. Of course, this is not as serious as, say, heart disease, but the problems and trouble delivers no less, if not more.

Best hemorrhoid treatment.




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