Decoctions of gastritis.

Decoctions of gastritis.

Decoctions of gastritis.

Herbal medicines used to prepare decoctions gently fight the symptoms of the disease and accelerate the healing of the gastric mucosa. The recommended course is three months. After a short break, they resume.

Mono decoctions

  1. At home, prepare whey. To five parts of the product add one — oats. In an enameled container, simmer for three hours. Squeeze. The finished medicinal fluid is poured into a glass container, tightly closed with a lid and cleaned in the refrigerator. Drink thirty-five milliliters each time before eating, after shaking the serum. Helps with severe pain in the stomach.
  2. For ten minutes, a glass of water is boiled over low heat, into which burdock root (1 tsp) is previously added. Take a folk remedy for pain and nausea with a superficial form of 15 ml three times a day.
  3. Hyposecretory gastritis is treated with rosehip broth — two handfuls of berries per five hundred ml of water. The boiling time is three minutes. Store the broth in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Drink three times a glass.
  4. To a liter of milk add fifty grams of propolis. They simmer on fire for up to five minutes. Take 100 ml per day to eliminate heartburn and nausea.
  5. To 200 ml of moisture add fifteen grams of St. John’s wort. Boil for ten minutes. Drink warm three times a day before meals, 1/3 cup. Helps with acute pain accompanying the antrum form of the disease.
    A high concentration of raw materials leads to an exacerbation of the disease.
  6. Two glasses of moisture are poured into 1 tbsp. l dioica nettles and simmer for ten minutes over low heat. After extraction, take 70 ml three times. Helps to overcome heartburn.
  7. Reflux is treated with linden. One hundred grams of color is placed in an enamel container and pour liters of moisture. Bring to a boil, cover and leave for three hours. Drink ½ cup after each meal. Ten days of treatment is enough to normalize the condition.

Decoctions of gastritis.

  1. A handful of frozen blackcurrant berries are poured into 300 ml of water and brought to a boil. Filter and drink per day. The first 100 milliliters should be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. To overcome heartburn and bad breath, fifteen grams of heather are boiled for several minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Take one hundred milliliters four times before a meal.
  3. With bloating in children and adults, three tbsp. l odorous herbs of dill in 400 ml of moisture simmer on low heat for no more than ten minutes. Take 100 ml three times a day.
    With caution, the drug is used for arterial hypotension.
  4. To remove inflammation in children and adults with atrophic gastritis, a decoction of oats is prepared. Half a glass of pre-crushed grains in 500 ml of water is boiled for half an hour. Squeeze using gauze. Boiled water is brought up to 600 ml. Divided into three doses, taking some time before the meal. With duodenitis, a small amount of aloe juice is added to the broth.
  5. Flaxseed has a similar effect. A teaspoon of crushed seeds in a glass of water is boiled for three minutes, allowed to stand until cooling and filtered. Use for three times.
  6. With low acidity, take 15 g of viburnum flowers (can be replaced with berries) and pour a glass of water. Boil for five minutes, insist one hour. Take several large spoons three times.

Decoctions of gastritis.

  1. In a 200 ml milk for five minutes boil a teaspoon of nettle. After the extraction, a little buckwheat honey is introduced. Drink, divided into several doses, after breakfast and lunch.
  2. With antral gastritis, an unusual recipe is recommended. The leaves of the plantain are thoroughly washed, crushed and poured with 0.5 l of grape vodka. Bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes over low heat. Filter. Take 1 tbsp. l before meals.
  3. They pound 20 g of sea buckthorn berries in a mortar, pour 300 ml of water and boil for ten minutes. After extraction, use twice 120 ml before meals.
  4. A handful of dry birch leaves are added to 500 ml of moisture and boiled over medium heat for several minutes. Drink a glass after eating with erosive gastritis.
  5. You can remove the pain syndrome through gooseberries. A handful of ripe fruit is crushed, boiled for a quarter of an hour in a glass of moisture. Use three times a cup.
    Gooseberries should not be used in the treatment of acute gastritis and duodenitis, as they can cause complications.
Decoctions of gastritis.
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