Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.

Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.

Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.

The average duration of treatment for gastritis with tinctures is three to four weeks. After a ten-day break, you can repeat it.

  1. Take fresh fruits of Japanese acacia, finely chopped and poured into a glass jar. In a ratio of one to two, mixed with vodka. Leave in a dark place for twelve days, occasionally shaking. After pressing, they are stored in the refrigerator. Treatment is performed three times in thirty drops. The last time they eat before bedtime.
  2. Propolis water tincture helps get rid of internal discomfort in the chronic form of the disease and eliminate acute pain. Propolis is left in the freezer for a while. This facilitates the grinding process. After pour water and simmer in a water bath until dissolved. Store in the refrigerator for seven days. Take one hundred milliliters per day.
    Folk remedy can cause a persistent allergic reaction.
  3. In case of chronic inflammation, propolis alcohol tincture is indicated. Mix with alcohol at a rate of one to five. At room temperature can withstand a couple of days. Filter and dilute with moisture in a proportion of one to three. Drink forty drops, diluting in a glass of milk. Repeat three times a day.
  4. For the prevention of exacerbations using a pharmacy tincture of calendula. Take thirty drops, diluting in half a cup of water, repeating three times a day. You can prepare the product at home. To do this, take 500 ml of vodka and 20 g of calendula. Stand for twelve hours. Filter. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator. Another calendula prescription involves the use of plant pills. For 100 ml of vodka, half the tablet. Insist 12 hours. Drink thirty drops added to the liquid, repeating twice before meals.
  5. Prevent exacerbation helps tincture of plantain. Thirty grams of leaves are accounted for 240 ml of vodka. They withstand the day in a place inaccessible to sunlight. Filter and carry out reception — three times before a meal for 1 tbsp. l
  6. Erosive gastritis is recommended to treat aloe. The leaves in the amount of four pieces are peeled, crushed and filled with 500 ml of vodka or medical alcohol. After 1 hour, filter. Use a teaspoon twice a day.

Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.

  1. High-quality medicine against the disease is called tincture of mountain ash kidneys. Half a glass of raw materials is combined with 500 ml of vodka and kept in a place protected from sunlight for ten days. Use thirty drops three times a day, diluting in a small amount of liquid.
    The prescription is prohibited for diarrhea.
  2. With the atrophic form of the disease, use tincture on cognac. Pour 15 grams of crushed rhizomes of calamus with a liter of cognac and stand for six weeks on a sunny windowsill. After the raw materials are squeezed out, 100 ml of buckwheat honey is introduced into the liquid. Leave for another month. Filter again and pour into a glass container. For full ripening, the product is left in a cool, dry place for six months. Drink a teaspoon twice before breakfast and dinner.
  3. For a week, remove Kalanchoe from sunlight. After they cut off the juicy leaves, wash them thoroughly and extract juice using a juicer. Filter through cheesecloth. To 100 ml of juice add 500 ml of medical alcohol and a little honey. It is kept in a place protected from sunlight for a month. Treatment is indicated on an empty stomach, fifteen milliliters at a time.
  4. A handful of walnuts can withstand a week in 400 ml of medical alcohol. After filtered. Use a tablespoon three times after a meal.
  5. For people with low acidity and duodenitis, tincture of nettle is suitable. About 50 grams of dry raw materials are taken per 250 ml of vodka. Three weeks stand, occasionally shaking. Use twenty drops, repeating three times.
Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.
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