Climax is treated.

Climax is treated.

Climax is treated.

  1. If the menopause is accompanied by dry skin and itching of the genital organs, a collection of tripartite series and dioecious nettle (twenty grams each), tricolor violet and yarrow grass (fifteen grams each), horsetail grass, blackcurrant leaves and large burdock roots is prescribed (ten grams each). Two tablespoons of raw material is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, incubated for two hours. Take half a cup three times a day, adding a little fresh honey.
  2. A soothing infusion to normalize the psycho-emotional state is prepared from 40 g of medicinal valerian, 30 g of peppermint, 40 g of pharmacy chamomile. Thirty grams of collection is added to 500 ml of hot water, insisted in a thermos for three hours. In the morning and evening use a glass.
  3. 10 grams of chamomile pharmacy, goose cinquefoil, yarrow, celandine are mixed. Art. pour the collection spoon into two cups of boiled water. Insist 40 minutes. Strained infusion is consumed several glasses a day. You need to drink in small sips. The recipe has a restorative effect.
  4. In case of female wilting, an infusion of odoriferous woodgrass, marsh coughweed (take 20 grams each), blackberry, motherwort and hawthorn leaves (10 grams each) is shown. 30 grams of the collection is added to 1.5 cups of boiling water. After an hour, filter. Treatment is carried out three times a day, consuming half a cup of the composition.

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Remedies for mastitis.

Remedies for mastitis.

Remedies for mastitis.

  1. Cut the rabbit skin in half. Each half on the inside is smeared with sour cream, preferably homemade. Apply to the mammary glands affected by mastitis, holding sour cream until it dries. After repeated manipulations. Sessions are held as often as possible.
    The proposed recipe has nothing to do with effective methods to combat mastitis.
  2. In soapy water, legumes are diluted to a porridge. The mixture is spread on a fabric cut. Apply to the inflamed area, leaving for sixty minutes. Five hours later, the session is repeated. Thus, purulent and serous types of the disease are treated.
  3. Soybeans poured with boiling water. Imposed on the chest once a day, fixing with an elastic bandage. Treatment of seals after surgery with such a tool is quick and effective.
  4. With purulent mastitis, the steamed fig fruits are used at home. They are poured with boiling water or hot milk to steam. Hold on the mammary gland for about an hour and a half. After a while, the session is carried out again.
    It is dangerous to warm the mammary glands with purulent mastitis!
  5. Fresh Japanese Sophora beans are poured with vodka in a one to one proportion. They are stored in a cool place for three days, then the raw materials are pressed. Gauze soaked in tincture is applied to the chest in the presence of purulent mastitis three times a day. Leave to dry.
  6. Peel the bulb of the daffodil garden. Mix with rice porridge until smooth. Spread the mixture on the mammary glands, covering with a bandage and leaving for half an hour, doing the manipulations four times a day.
  7. Take a handful of dry duckweed. Combine with three tablespoons of honey and one — aloe juice. The mixture is applied to the inflamed area of ​​the chest, fixing with cling film. On the day, two procedures are indicated, the duration of which is half an hour.

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How to treat cold sores.

How to treat cold sores.

How to treat cold sores.

  1. For one hour in a mug of hot moisture leave five grams of sage. Use filtered liquid to wet gauze napkins, which are applied to the necessary areas, including on the head. The exposure time is twenty minutes. The number of repetitions per day is three. It is recommended to use the same infusion if the disease is in the mouth (thoroughly rinse four times).
  2. Brew a bag of high quality black tea. Allow to cool slightly and apply to the skin for ten minutes, repeating up to five times a day.
  3. In a cup of water brew a spoonful of natural coffee. Allow to cool to room temperature. A napkin dipped in coffee is applied to the required area of ​​the skin, leaving for half an hour. Three procedures are performed in 24 hours.
  4. Soft linen cloth is soaked in castor oil. Impose on the stomach, placing a heating pad on top. Use a hot water bottle so that it is almost impossible to endure. With a compress are for an hour. The recommendation helps to improve the functioning of the body’s defense systems and faster overcome the symptoms of the disease. Sessions are carried out three times a week.
  5. A section of linen fabric is impregnated with floral honey and applied for half an hour twice a day to the place where shingles are observed.
    Before using honey, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

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Syrups from a sore throat.

Syrups from a sore throat.

Syrups from a sore throat.

Self-made syrups are called a successful alternative to medications offered by pharmacies. Their use is not recommended to stop until the onset of recovery.

  1. Twenty grams of butter is melted in a microwave or in a water bath. Add a glass of fresh honey and half a dessert spoon of baking soda. Mix well. In a glass container, a folk remedy is kept in the refrigerator. Take in a warm form on a teaspoon twice a day. The syrup helps to overcome the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in patients of all ages.
  2. Juice is extracted from aloe leaves. A large spoon is mixed with a small fresh honey, preferably buckwheat. Use the composition three times in a mustard spoon for the treatment of purulent tonsillitis.
  3. Take a peeled head of garlic. From the cloves prepare the gruel. Mix with a glass of wine or ordinary table vinegar, stand for ten hours in a cool place. After that, a few tablespoons of fresh honey are introduced into the mixture. The medicine is used a couple of times a day. One serving is a dessert spoon. It is not necessary to swallow the product immediately — to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is held in the mouth for two to three minutes.
  4. Combine the slurry of two heads of garlic and a tablespoon of dried, elongated to powder, elderberry flowers. Add 400 ml of hot water. After a few hours, half a cup of honey is injected. Take two large spoons of syrup every hour.

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Snake bite.

Snake bite.

Snake bite.

If you are bitten by a snake.

Viper venom has on people local and general effect. Local reaction to the bite area is expressed in the swelling, apply to the entire limb, severe pain, necrosis of tissue at the wound site. General toxic effects of venom expressed in dizziness, general weakness, vomiting, shortness of breath, weakening of cardiac activity.

Generally, viper, unlike some tropical black mambas, it is peace-loving amphibians. They are afraid of humans and when they met with him trying to crawl away and hide, bite humans only in desperate situations, when they accidentally come in early spring or during reproduction.

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Douching will help from erosion.

Douching will help from erosion.

Douching will help from erosion.

  1. An infusion of marigold flowers helps in getting rid of chronic uterine erosion. Half a glass is placed in a liter jar, pour 500 ml of vodka, sent to the sun. After twelve days, filtered. Douched in one tsp. tinctures diluted in a cup of warm water. Perform in the morning for three weeks, starting on the second day of the end of menstrual bleeding.
  2. 100 grams of celandine herb is steamed with a liter of boiling water. After eight hours, filter. Douching is performed in the morning and evening for two weeks. There is another option for preparing the composition: fifteen grams of crushed celandine roots are poured with 230 milliliters of boiling water. Heated in a water bath for fifteen minutes. For douching, use half a cup.
    The effectiveness of this recipe has not been proven. In addition, celandine can cause serious harm to the mucosa.
  3. The following composition helps against uterine erosion and endometriosis: take three tbsp. Per liter of boiling water. l kirkazona and one art. l celandine. Steamed for two hours, filtered. Perform three irrigation procedures, repeating once a day.
  4. In equal shares take green tea and calendula flowers. Two handfuls of collecting brew a liter of boiling water. Let stand for several hours, filter and dilute 1: 1 with water. Douche in the morning and evening until the condition is relieved.

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Compresses from mastitis.

Compresses from mastitis.

Compresses from mastitis.

  1. In mastitis in older women, the cabbage leaf is greased with fresh cow butter. Apply to the mammary gland at night. A similar treatment is suitable for removing seals after surgery.
  2. In the oven bake one onion. When it cools down, grind and squeeze the juice. It is mixed with honey and used to apply compresses.
  3. In a proportion of one to two combine natural flower honey and wheat flour. A cake is formed, which is placed on the mammary gland, fixed on top with cling film and a bandage. Hold the night.
    It is important to remember about allergies that a beekeeping product can provoke.
  4. In a proportion of one to one mix vodka and camphor oil. They impregnate tissue in the composition, which is used as a fifteen-minute compress three times a day.
    The composition provides a warming effect, which is completely unacceptable with mastitis, especially acute and purulent.

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