How to lose weight fast at home.

Chicken eggs are a rather controversial product. Some nutritionists are strongly encouraged to include in your daily diet. While others are advised to refrain from chicken eggs.

Does it lose weight or, conversely, leads to weight gain? Today you can even hear about weight loss on the yolks. Real reviews about losing weight make you think seriously about this method of losing weight. Take it on board. But everything should be moderate. Eggs should not form the basis of the diet.

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For a while, the product was just a shame. Doctors called eggs harmful because of their high content of fat and cholesterol.

It was subsequently found that the product also contains substances that promote the breakdown and removal of cholesterol from the body. So the risk of eggs for health is clearly exaggerated.

However, this does not explain that the product has unexpectedly gained popularity in the environment for weight loss. Eggs are present in the diet of almost every person. But few people know that using eggs can lose weight.

How this happens, and why it is necessary to use the yolks for weight loss. Weight loss reviews provide answers to these questions. Explain the effect of the yolk diet. The high nutritional value of eggs explains why the product is in demand in dietetics. One egg weighing 60 grams is enough to saturate the body. And provide it with the necessary elements.

HOW CAN lose weight by yolk. Yolk SLIMMING.

The product contains almost no carbohydrates. But rich in protein. Fat in yolks too much. However, these are beneficial fats. They are quickly converted into energy necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

In yolks many useful substances. Therefore, this product is recommended to include in the diet of children from 4 months of age. However, eggs are considered to be strong allergens. You should also consider when switching to a new diet. Known elements that make up the chicken egg yolk are.

• amino acid complex,
• B vitamins,
• essential fatty acids,
• macroelements necessary for the central nervous system and heart,
• beta-carotene,
• vitamins D, E, H,
• iron, cobalt, manganese, iodine, zinc and other minerals.


Supporters of the yolk diet claim that the product promotes rapid saturation. For a long time eliminates the feeling of hunger.

One egg is enough to give the body energy. Improve physical and mental performance. Give the body the necessary minimum of nutrients.

It is believed that the yolk improves metabolic processes. Stimulates brain activity. A positive effect on the immune defense. This is a nutritious and healthy product that you should definitely include in a diet for weight loss.

Another question — how much is egg yolk? If he is directly on the yolk diet, it is permissible to use two egg yolks a day. This amount will be enough to replace good nutrition. Opponents of the yolk diet claim that it is impossible to eat eggs in such quantities. They should be limited to 2-3 yolks per week.

If you move away from statistics, which calls the product chicken yolk useful, but still not too welcome in the diet. It should be recognized that losing weight on the dietary yolk is much more pleasant and easier. The body is not under stress. He offered almost the entire range of essential substances.

The risk of food disruption is minimized. But if you still think about the potential dangers of chicken egg yolk. The yolk will have to limit the duration of the diet. 1-2 weeks will be enough to evaluate the efficiency of supply. See whether it brings benefits to health and form in general.

Approximate diet per yolk DIET.


Of course, eggs should not become the basis of the diet, although they will have to eat every day. The duration of the diet is determined on the basis of initial body weight and health. For a minor correction and stimulation of lipid metabolism will be sufficient diet for 3-4 days. If you want to lose 5 kg or more, will have to adhere to the yolk diet for at least 2 weeks. It is undesirable to eat egg yolks more than 3 consecutive weeks. It is better to take a small break and then proceed to the diet.

Slimming fit only fresh product, it is desirable that it was rustic eggs. Classical diet involves eating eggs raw. But, first, raw egg yolks is not to everyone’s taste. Some people recognized that the very consistency of the yolk is feeling a little reminiscent of a healthy appetite. Secondly, the risk of intestinal infections from drinking raw eggs is quite high. Therefore, it is safer to eat boiled chicken egg yolks.

The product is heavy, so use more than two egg yolks per day is highly undesirable. The diet should be a variety of fresh vegetables and herbs that are perfectly combined with chicken egg yolk. You can make light salads, but to fill them with oil should not be, because he has the required amount of yolk fat.
Such a diet can help boost metabolism, improve brain activity and helps you recover more quickly from illness. In slimming diet should include dairy products, savory fruit, fish and chicken. Of course, all the unhealthy food and figures should be removed from the diet.


The yolks are invited to eat in the morning, better — for breakfast. This will charge the body with energy for the whole day. In the evening, the eggs have not followed because they overload the stomach, and require considerable effort on the part of the processing of the body. Good reception combine the yolks with the consumption of citrus. This may be a piece of grapefruit or orange juice. Citrus gained wide popularity among dieters because of the pronounced fat burning and toning action.

Yolk diet is better to combine the basics of fractional power. It is recommended to eat the usual portion, dividing them into 2-3. The number of meals per day can be reduced to 7/6, with caloric intake should be reduced. By itself, the yolk diet includes basic aspects of nutrition. weight loss advantage at yolks only that the body gets enough nutrients and is not experiencing stress.

Do not forget about the reasonable exercise. Without them, any diet will be ineffective. In this sense, the yolk diet is one of the best. Those who are actively involved in sports, a significant need for proteins and fats, which are the building blocks and energy source. Losing weight is getting enough amino acids and saturated fats, without which achieve high results will not be easy.


Approximate daily diet with yolk diet may be as follows:

• The first breakfast — two boiled yolk, a slice of grapefruit, green tea;
• lunch — cheese with fruit;
• lunch — vegetable salad with tuna, chickens bread from wheat flour;
• snack — cottage cheese or cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits;
• Dinner — a glass of buttermilk or drinking yoghurt.

A diet with a diet yolk is hardly poor, so you need to follow the calorie portions and the amount of food eaten in general, or diet can turn into a holiday belly. Do not forget about water consumption mode: 1.5 — 2 liters of water to knock — the optimum level for the normal functioning of the body.

Diet can hardly be called universal, because it has a lot of contraindications. First of all, to abandon yolk diet will have those who are allergic to eggs. If the discomfort it causes chicken egg yolks, then they can be replaced quail. Quail eggs are less allergenicity and a high content of nutrients. In addition, their use is acceptable in raw form, as they are less susceptible to infectious diseases.

Refrain from the use of egg yolks in large quantities will have problems with digestion, kidney stone disease, diseases of the cardiovascular nature. Precautions should be taken to a new diet for those who have liver problems, because the yolks are considered heavy and trudnousvaivaemym product.

As a way out of egg DIET.

Holding out for a month on the menu described is not easy. But as difficulties arise when you exit from the diet. After 4 weeks of once taken for the previous diet is impossible.

The effect persists for a long time, if you eat foods with a low calorie, and not to far from the serving size. But in any situation is to remember that sweets harmful to the body. Only self-restraint and moderation in the diet allows to feel good and be satisfied with the reflection in the mirror.

Meals, drinks and «cunning» in egg DIET.

It should again be noted that virtually no carbohydrate foods by following the egg diet. Therefore prohibited virtually any sweets. Especially need to abandon the «fast» carbohydrates, ie sugars. To salt the food can be, if the diet is not to be determined.

When buying cheese, which is planned to use on a particular day, it is necessary to look at his fatness. The fat content of cheese may be different, but you need to choose the one that this figure is minimal. Meat, respectively, should be deprived of fat.


Within 4 weeks of constant should drink plenty of water. Total liquid should be approximately 2 liters per day. It is best to not drink any soft drinks and the usual clean water. Coffee and tea are not prohibited. But add them milk or, especially, can not be sugar. However, on the consumption of carbonated drinks as such in the egg diet ban did not. But it allowed to drink only Diet variants.

Sometimes it happens that the feeling of hunger just can not be avoided. Then you can kill it with a small amount of fresh vegetables. Satisfy your hunger half carrots or lettuce, of course, is not completely out. But before meals doterpet succeed. Whatever it was, for a snack can be accessed only if passed at least 2 hours after a meal.



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