Wormwood beauty.

Wormwood beauty.

Wormwood beauty.

Wormwood — a bitter herb. Wormwood beautyIt is, though bitter, but good. Not only cure diseases, but also to bring the beauty of …

• For good washing wormwood water:

Three tablespoons of the crushed raw material pour 2 cups of boiling water. Boil in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Leave to insist on the night.
Filter the infusion of wormwood. Rinse with wormwood water after washing.

• That the skin clear of acne, turned pink and smooth, prepare a tincture Artemisia:

1 tbsp. spoon of dried wormwood put in an opaque bottle and pour 5 tablespoons. tablespoons vodka, insist week in a cool dark place.
The finished tincture wipe rashes place 2 times a day.

• And crushed herb wormwood sprinkle festering sores and wounds; in the form of a patch used for boils.

Wormwood beauty

If a person is burned.

Often under the bright spring sun face burns.

My advice in this situation:

if the skin you have dry, lubricate it with sour cream, and if the fat — sour. Rinse tea better, but in any case no alcohol or vodka. Burnt good place to smear potato juice, or make a mask of grated potatoes.

Red nose can be powdered starch. Very good helping of oatmeal (rolled oats): brew it with boiling water, cool and lubricate the burnt skin, 10-20 minutes after rinse and apply a moisturizing cream fat.



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