Why is it so dangerous flu.

Why is it so dangerous flu.

Why is it so dangerous flu.

Influenza symptoms treatment.

Why is it so dangerous flu. This is simply that many do not understand. All complications do not occur from the virus, but under the influence of secondary infections. Virus-induced pneumonia develops in several cases. It develops very seriously against the background of the flu. Often combined with purulent processes. Moreover, it is practically incurable and often leads to death.

All this is because, getting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the virus clings to tissues and destroys cell membranes. Then, with great speed, it begins to multiply. Within 24 hours after the virus enters the body, more than 1023 new particles are formed from 1 virus particle.

 If we take into account the influence of the viral process on the cells of the body, we can say that the epithelium of the mucous membrane dies under the influence of the virus. Dead cells are discarded. The remaining cells are practically not protected against secondary infection.

That is why flu is so often associated with bacterial infections of the respiratory system. When a respiratory disease is seized, the patient develops a cough. Usually accompanied by the formation of purulent discharge.

Then the viruses enter the bloodstream. Distributed to all tissues and organs. From the blood, the virus destroys the bloodstream. Under its influence, a toxic-allergic process develops in the vessels. It does not compress vessels, and their walls form under a microscopic thrombus.

With particularly complex types of flu, diffuse thrombosis of small blood vessels is likely to develop. They supply blood to the internal organs. This stimulates the abnormal function of these organs.

Why is it so dangerous flu.

Above all, during the flu affects the blood vessels of the brain and respiratory system. In the case of particularly complex types of flu hemorrhagic pneumonia may develop (with hemorrhage).

Infringement in a state of cerebral vessels cause swelling of the tissues, as well as an increase in intracranial pressure. Therefore, the flu is often prescribed to visit consultation neurologist or cardiologist.

In addition to the above, influenza virus is able to reduce the body’s resistance. It inhibits the activity of certain parts of the immune system, preventing and pushing the immune response.

Influenza virus disrupts blood production system, including immune cells. In addition, the virus reproduces at such a rate that the immune system has not kept pace to produce antibodies to it and a sufficient amount of interferon — basic substance, which protects cells from getting the virus …

whether the vaccine will save from the virus?

The most optimal for all influenza vaccines is the period from September to October. It was then that the epidemic season began, which falls, usually in January-March, caused by immune defense.

At a high level, this protection lasts about 6 months. Then it begins to decline. Until now, even among doctors there is no unequivocal opinion — whether everyone is vaccinated against the flu or not. Proponents of this method of prevention are convinced that the development, implementation in practice, or the purchase of a vaccine abroad is much cheaper than the annual loss to the economy from mass epidemics. Not to mention protecting public health.

The difficulty is that the flu virus varies greatly. It is impossible to accurately predict which strain will cause an epidemic in a particular year.

Therefore, if the prognosis was accurate, the vaccine will work most efficiently at 75-90%. Otherwise, it will be less effective. But in this case there will be a positive effect. Since different flu strains have common structural features.

If vaccination has not been given for a certain time. This can be done at the beginning of the epidemic. But we must remember that a sufficient amount of antibodies is produced only after 2-4 weeks.

! Contraindications to the use of vaccines are allergic to components of the drug, exacerbation of chronic diseases, immunodeficiency states.

WHO recommends the first vaccination in the following risk groups.
Adults over 50 years old.
Children aged 6 months to 3 years.
Also, persons with impaired functioning of the heart and lungs with weakened immune defenses.
HIV-infected, pregnant.

In addition, vaccination is mandatory for medical personnel, police, rescuers and others. Persons who perform important public functions.



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