We strengthen the immune system.

We strengthen the immune system.

We strengthen the immune system.

We strengthen the immune system. During the winter holidays, we are more often on the street — we go ice skating, skiing, and we just walk with the children, go out of town for a picnic. Therefore, be sure to dress for the weather and use a layered style.

Hypothermia can weaken the immune system and, as a result, cause a surge in viral diseases. If your feet are cold in a cool room, wear warm socks, and if your hands are numb, do not hesitate to wear gloves. People with poor circulation in their legs are advised to sleep on electrically heated sheets.

It is beneficial to increase your zinc intake. This trace element is actively involved in the work of the thymus gland — the organ in which the cells of the immune system are formed. Zinc increases the body’s resistance to disease and accelerates recovery.

Fish, pecans, pumpkin seeds, carrots and celery are all high in zinc and can reduce your risk of getting the flu. Zinc is also rich in bread and pasta made from wholemeal flour, rice, and various sprouts.

We offer a recipe for antiviral oil: buy pine or fir essential oil at the pharmacy and, mixing 2-3 drops of this oil with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, pour the mixture into a suitable container.
Lubricate your nasal passages at least 3 times a day, especially before going outside.

And here is a recipe for fortified honey, which helps to strengthen the immune system: add 1 tbsp of water to 0.5 liters of water. l. herbal collection (mint, yarrow and angelica in equal proportions). Bring to a boil, then keep on low heat until almost complete evaporation of the liquid. Strain the broth, pour into another container, add honey to taste and stir. The resulting fortified honey can be used to sweeten drinks.

We recommend that you master the techniques to reduce stress, because psychological stress negatively affects the immune system. It is advisable to do this exercise before going to bed: recall all the events that have passed during the day in reverse order. Having reached mentally the morning awakening, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Everything, you can fall asleep!

We strengthen the immune system.

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