USEFUL EDIBLE FLOWERS. In the modern diet we commonly use cauliflower and broccoli. But few know that the most useful types of cabbage are flowers and unopened inflorescence (except gardeners, who went to the cabbage color due to poor growing conditions).

However, there are some others as edible less known but also very useful flowers.
This artichoke, nasturtium and marigold.


On the beds of gardens and parks in the summertime there are remarkable flowers marigolds.

But very few realize that marigold blossoms are edible. They combine the taste of wormwood and kresssalata to satisfy even gourmets. However, the food consumed only marigold with golden-yellow inflorescences, and a brownish-red and lemon suitable for food, as they have other «nekulinarny» taste. Marigold flowers are rich in carotene, vitamins C, D and E, contain essential oil and a yellow colorant.

The power marigolds are used in salads, soups, sauces and beverages for the enrichment of food with vitamins and microelements.

Marigolds — one of the favorite spices Georgian cuisine, where it is called Imereti saffron. The dried and milled into powder substitute for saffron flower baskets and eastern cuisine, where marigold powder is put in a dish, and also used for coloring cheese, wine and fruit with water.

Prepare healing, tonic tea for this recipe:

2 tbsp. tablespoons of marigold flower baskets and 1 h. spoon meadowsweet flowers brew 2 cups boiling water and allow to stand for 20 minutes. Drink a glass of this tea 3 times a day before meals.



Today, all gardeners know the beauty and simplicity of nasturtium, but few had time to appreciate the taste of these sweet, spicy flowers. Of these, prepare soup, reminiscent of soup with capers and sweet salad that is served to the hot and as a separate dish.

In the old days in monasteries nasturtium leaves and flowers added to the salad, which was called «cardinal salad» and considered an invaluable source of youth and health. For exceptional culinary dignity elegant color called nasturtium salad.

Modern nutritionists confirms longstanding knowledge — dishes with nasturtium have a pronounced dietary and medicinal properties. Nasturtium contains volatile, carotene, rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, iodine salts, potassium and phosphorus. Furthermore, nasturtium plant contains antibiotics.



Artichoke — one of the products that has long been loved for its remarkable beneficial properties of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean.

For us, artichoke — it’s exotic, although it was introduced in Russia in the end of XVII century on the orders of Peter I and grown as an ornamental and medicinal plant in the summer garden and the gardens of the local nobility.

Sam Peter I did not sit there without artichoke, appreciating the taste and medicinal properties of this product.

Artichoke — a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family (or Asteraceae), the closest relative of the well-known weeds: thistles and burdock.

The flowering period is covered with large purple artichoke baskets 7 to 8 cm in diameter and becomes very similar to the thistle. But there is rarely because the buds are cut, preventing them from unraveling. It is they, these immature buds, similar to the knobs, used for food and
medical purposes.

The artichoke contained 3% protein, 10-15% carbohydrates, ascorbic acid, vitamin B1, B2, carotene, valuable minerals. The bitter taste of the plant gives tsinarin; this stuff is very good for the liver, causes mild choleretic and diuretic effect of artichoke.

Moreover, thanks tsinarin artichoke is useful for prevention of atherosclerosis. The composition of the artichoke inulin part that makes this plant is extremely valuable in diabetes and to combat constipation.

To use the artichoke in the diet nutrition is important and that it is a low-calorie product: its caloric value in raw form is 28 kcal, boiled — 53 kcal per 100 g of product.


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