Treatment of folk remedies.

Treatment of folk remedies.

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Inflammation of the appendages (adneskit).

Treatment of adnexitis according to popular recipes often gives a strong effect. But use of folk remedies is possible only with the approval of the doctor.
It is very important to refuse sex in order to cure acute forms of inflammation.

In folk medicine, herbs are most often used for inflammation of the appendages. Since they provide the maximum therapeutic effect.

Good for treatment of a complex adnexal herbal therapy, involves several steps:

Calendula and aloe. For this treatment, it is important to use a variety of herbs in different days! On odd days (1 to 9) take the solution from the cup of aloe juice, a glass of honey and two glasses of Cahors.

Treatment of adnexitis.

The mixture insist to 2 days in the heat, when stored in the refrigerator and drink 2 times a day to 2 tablespoons On even days (2 to 10), a mixture of 2 ch.lozhek calendula and 2 ch.lozhek dried plantain. Pour a glass of water and insist hour. Filter and drink the infusion during the day.

Celandine and sea buckthorn. On odd days (11 to 17) and pour insist tsp dried celandine 250 g of boiling water, then add half a tsp of aloe. This mixture should be douche before going to bed.

Infusion of aspen ash and laurel bath. From 18 to 26 days is necessary to take a decoction made from 5 st.lozhek ash aspen. The mixture insist on a liter of boiling water for ten days. Infusion take 4 tbsp after the meal three times a day. After 26 days of treatment, it is necessary to make a break for 22 days and repeat the 11-day course of aspen ash. In the evening, take a bath with the infusion of laurel. 80 laurel leaves crushed and heated in a liter of water for 15 minutes. After straining the infusion is added into the bathroom and filled with water by a third.

The infusion of wintergreen. With 29 days receive an infusion of wintergreen. The infusion is prepared from 5 st.lozhek dried wintergreen leaves and half a liter of vodka. Insist 14 days. Take three times 30 drops after a meal.
Complete the comprehensive treatment of folk remedies appendages inflammation at 51 days.

Other people’s money.

Sagebrush. In desyatilitrovom bucket brought to a boil two liters of water, throw in a handful of wormwood, clean bucket of fire and cooled slightly. After that, it is necessary to sit down over a bucket for 20 minutes.
Ortiliya sided. Once this plant is called the upland uterus. From upland uterus make the broth: tbsp herbs insist on a glass of boiling water for 2 hours. After the filter. One cup of broth taken during the day day before meals.

Burnet. Also known cure for genital infections. Tablespoons herbs boiled in a liter of water. Drink decoction should be all day with honey. No need to pour the residue from the broth — they should douche in the morning for 20 days.

Treatment of folk remedies.

Anise ordinary (anise burnet).

It is well known means such as the root of Marin and saxifrage. They should be treated within a month. ’50 Bergenia root is ground and pour 300 g of boiling water. Insist need to overnight. Infusion Bergenia need to douche twice a day, for which the 2 tablespoons of infusion diluted in two liters of water.

Douche should be in the evening and morning, a teaspoon of tincture is necessary to soak cotton wool after the roll up with gauze and cotton wool. This pad must be a little wet on top of the infusion and administered into the vagina.

At the same time should be taken for infusion into c.lojke before eating. Along with the infusion of Bergenia should drink the infusion Maryino root. 50 g root lay in the dark half-liter bottle and pour the vodka. Insist 10 days, then take 40 drops before meals.

Also a part of the grass collection is recommended:

Mix the dried herbs: immortelle, strawberries, nettle, mother-and-stepmother, birch, mint, succession, yarrow, green beans, corn silk, rose hips, mountain ash, knotweed.

Two tablespoons collection pour half a liter of boiling water and insist night. Take 100 g infusion before meals.

It should be cleaned with a diet of toxins intestines, kidneys and liver, as well as completely give up alcohol and tobacco. Healthy lifestyle and folk remedies are able to give an inflammation of appendages of the most serious resistance!



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