Tinctures from menopause.

Tinctures from menopause.

Tinctures from menopause.

The course of treatment for tinctures with menopause is usually 30-45 days, depending on the severity of symptoms and the individual reaction of the body.

  1. Peony tincture is responsible for reducing hot flashes, frequent changes in mood and insomnia. Take 20 drops three times a day, preferably before meals. The course of treatment is up to 4 months. Folk remedy recommended for men. In this case, the number of drops increases to 40 at a time.
  2. Rowan tincture is called an ancient treatment for menopause. It is prepared as follows: take two handfuls of fresh berries, pour 220 ml of alcohol 40% and incubate for 30 days in a dark place. The strained tincture is cleaned in the refrigerator. Take daily at bedtime on a dessert spoon.
  3. Tincture of the shiitake mushroom is considered useful for menopause. Take 5 g of dry raw materials, mix with 300 ml of vodka and send them to the refrigerator for two weeks. After filtering and drinking 15 ml three times a day.
    Phytoestrogen «prenylnaringenin», which is found in Shiitake mushrooms, has a serious effect on the female body. With uncontrolled intake of tincture at home, uterine bleeding can occur.
  4. Tincture of hop cones is considered useful for the treatment of hot flashes. Take 25 g of hop cones, combine with 220 ml of 40% alcohol. Stand for a week, filter. 5 drops of tincture are added to a glass of water at room temperature and taken twice a day.

Tinctures from menopause.

  1. Men in the period of malaise are very useful tincture of the sacred Vitex. Two tablespoons of seeds are poured into a glass vessel. 200 ml of 40% alcohol are also determined there. A tightly closed vessel is left in a dark place for 1.5 months. Strained tincture is drunk 15 drops twice a day, previously dissolved in a spoon of water.
  2. 50 grams of pre-chopped red brush rhizomes are added to a liter of vodka. Week defend in a dry dark place. After filtration, the infusion is poured into an opaque vessel. Use according to Art. l per day.
  3. Tincture of calendula is recommended for men to treat violations of ejaculation processes. 1 d. L. at one time is considered sufficient. Repeat three times a day. To achieve a positive result, therapy is continued for at least three months.
  4. For pain in the heart and dizziness, a tincture of the fruits of Richter’s hodgepodge is indicated. To half a glass of vodka add Art. l shredded fruit. Insist a week. Take three times a day for 60 drops.
    It is unacceptable to take tincture without first consulting a doctor, as Richter’s solyanka is unsafe with the slightest problems with blood circulation.
  5. Coping with the tides helps tincture of hawthorn. Reception is carried out in 40 drops three times a day. A folk remedy is prepared from the fruits or flowers of the plant. Pre-squeeze the juice and pour 95% alcohol (1: 2). Withstand two weeks.
  6. With mastopathy, propolis tincture helps. Use by mixing with a glass of water, Art. a spoonful of tincture. Drink three times a day for a dessert spoon.
  7. To normalize their health with menopause, women take tincture of black cohosh. Art. l rhizomes pour 230 ml of alcohol 70%. They stand in a dark place for a week, periodically shaking the container. Ready-made folk remedy in the amount of 30 drops is added to a cup of water and taken three times a day.
  8. For disorders of the nervous system, tincture of rosemary leaves is indicated. 30 g of leaves are poured with alcohol in an amount of 100 ml. The exposure time is a week. After the reception: three times a day, 25 drops before meals.
Tinctures from menopause.
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