Thrush treatment.

Thrush treatment

Thrush treatment.

Candidiasis or thrush is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. In intestinal conditions, the fungus acts as a completely natural representative of the microflora, but when it enters the mucous membrane of the same oral cavity or genitals, it causes pathological processes.


Baths as a treatment method are used for genital thrush. Therapy is recommended for approximately six days. The average duration of the procedure is twenty minutes.

In the treatment of genital candidiasis in men and women, a bath based on soda and iodine helps. In 1000 ml of boiled water add a teaspoon of soda and a similar amount of iodine. The composition is poured into the basin. The procedure is performed in the evenings until recovery. Helps cure thrush without medication.
Violation of the dosage can turn into a burn of the mucosa.

A pack of chamomile chemist’s is added to 2 liters of boiling water. After six hours, filter. Pour liquid into a basin where they sit down. It is recommended to carry out procedures in the mornings and evenings. The method is used not only for adult women, but also recommended for candidiasis in girls. In addition, chamomile helps cure thrush before childbirth.

Thrush treatment

  1. Calendula, chamomile, yarrow, sage, juniper, buds of birch and poplar, eucalyptus leaves are combined in equal shares. A handful is crushed and selected. Steamed with a liter of hot liquid, leaving under the lid overnight. Filter in the morning. Before going to bed that day use.
  2. In a ratio of 1: 1: 3: 2 connect the string, lavender, oak bark and nettle. A tablespoon of phyto-mixture is steamed with a cup of boiling water for two hours. Filter, pour into a basin with warm water and carry out the procedure for three minutes before bedtime.
  3. Two handfuls of boiling water are steamed with two handfuls of juniper cones. After three hours, the raw materials are pressed. The resulting liquid is poured into the pelvis. The procedure is performed with female and male thrush. Two procedures are necessary per day.
  4. A tablespoon of celandine is crushed, poured with a liter of water and incubated for twenty minutes in a water bath. Allow to cool at room temperature and filter. Add the infusion to the basin with warm water. Baths are performed in the evenings. The recipe helps in getting rid of the smell.
    The use of celandine should occur only after an allergic reaction test, since the plant is poisonous.
  5. A recipe for thrush of the genital area, which is recommended for use by a guy and a girl. Mix a teaspoon of alum, as much copper sulfate and boric acid. Pour a mixture of 1 liter of boiled moisture and allow to stand for several days in a dark place. The finished product is added to ordinary water — six small spoons per five liters. Baths are performed no longer than three minutes twice a day. This method helps to get rid of odor and itching forever.
  6. In chilled boiled water (two liters), potassium permanganate is bred. The solution should acquire a soft pink tint. The bath is carried out up to ten minutes three times a day, if candidiasis is observed during pregnancy in the first trimester or in girls.
    Similar procedures can be performed by pregnant women only after consulting an experienced gynecologist. In the case of self-medication, the likelihood of harm is high.
  7. In a basin with 3 l of chilled boiled water, half a glass of table vinegar is poured. Take a bath in the evenings. Such treatment helps to eliminate itching in men and women.
  8. Dissolve 300 ml of natural honey in three liters of warm moisture. Honey treatment is indicated for thrush in a guy, girl and adult.
  9. Dissolve a tablespoon of dry green clay in 1000 ml of hot water. Allow to cool to a comfortable body temperature and perform a bath for half an hour. The course is twenty days.
  10. In a pharmacy buy tincture of a beaver stream. A glass of the product is diluted in a glass of water. The resulting composition is added to a basin with two liters of fluid and the procedure is performed. Repeat twice.
  11. A 0.5-liter jar is half filled with potato sprouts. Top up with vodka. For a week, insist in a dark, cool place, then filtered. Four tbsp. l tinctures are introduced to two liters of water and perform a session.
Thrush treatment
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One Response to “Thrush treatment.”

  1. […] of phyto-infusions helps at home to deal with manifestations of candidiasis of any localization. Itching, burning are eliminated. If we are talking about thrush of the vaginal […]

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