The dough treats spine.

The dough treats spine.

The dough treats spine.

Treatment of osteochondrosis spine.

When osteochondrosis well to the dough. We need to take 0.5 liters of warm water, 70-100 g of fresh yeast and rye flour.
Knead the dough and leave for 7 days in a dark cool place.

When it will be raised, it should be beating.
After 7 days, the dough is ready.
While preparing to compress the patient should drink a glass of hot milk with 1 h. Spoon of baking soda.

Drink in small sips.
Then take a cheesecloth into 2 layers, spread the dough, as the yellow card.
Place the patient on his stomach, drip 3 drops of turpentine on a dry hand and good rub waist, so do 3 times.

Gauze with the dough to put on the lumbar region, the top cover with cellophane, put cotton wool, well tie a large towel.
Top to hide a warm blanket. Stay 40-60 minutes.

If there are burns, they do not have anything to smear — they must take themselves.
Treatment repeated after 7 days.
Medical tests can be used many times.



Comfrey saved his back.

Plants can really cure a serious illness. Working in the country, I got a back injury.

The diagnosis to me have put such: diskogennyj a radiculitis with radicular syndrome. Treated me for a long time, but without success. When walking, I had to stop periodically. In order to sit down and relax. Only then did he continue walking. Honestly, I thought that I would remain an invalid.

But for my own good luck, I happened to get acquainted with a phyto-therapist physician. It was he who brought me back to a full life.

He prescribed this treatment for me. Tincture comfrey for 15-20 drops 3 times a day inward with a small amount of water. Outer — phyto-appliques and phytomassage with comfrey ointment for 1.5 months.

The tincture of the comfrey is prepared from the calculation of 100 g of dry crushed roots per 0.5 liter of alcohol. Insist 2 weeks. Positive results appeared very quickly.

All the painful manifestations disappeared. The working capacity has fully recovered. That’s how I was cured with the help of herbs, now I began to trust them more. I try to use plants and for the treatment of such everyday sores as colds, heartburn and so on. This treatment is inexpensive, but the effect is always there.



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