Posts Tagged ‘skin disorders’

Clay treating psoriasis.

Clay treating psoriasis.Bought clay in the pharmacy, it is now not a problem. Clay treating psoriasis. And I was treated well. From clay balls about the size of catalase with a walnut and a day kept them in the sun.

Ointment for eczema.

Ointment for eczema. 

Ointment for eczema.  How to treat eczema. Ointment for eczema. I want to tell you to tell you how in just a week, you can get rid of eczema plagued many patients for a decade or more. Ointment for eczema. Eczema can be because of nerves, a little upset people, and a few minutes later all […]



Scleroderma. Skrlerodermiya — is a form of arthritis, a chronic disease of the connective tissue. Scleroderma. The skin and sometimes scar tissue forms throughout the body surface. Scar tissue in the development of inflammation is deposited in the joints, heart, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, lung, skin. The symptoms of scleroderma. The main symptom of focal forms -ovalnye […]