Posts Tagged ‘sinusitis treatment’

Sore throat and cough.

Sore throat and cough.

The medicine from autumn. Sore throat and cough. Autumn began, and with it — seasonal illnesses. Coryza, cough, throat … Sore throat and cough. • We never buy nasal drops at home. Most often dig in aloe, you can with diphenhydramine (both can be bought in ampoules at the pharmacy). Sore throat and cough. • […]



From bronchitis. Bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis treatment. At the age of 12 I had bronchitis. I treated it this way: honey and milk in a hot form, as well as a decoction of herbs of mother-and-stepmother and oregano with the addition of badger fat, milk and honey. Everything has passed and does not bother for 10 […]