Posts Tagged ‘risk of developing a person’s diabetes’

Trans fats in diabetes.

Trans fats in diabetes.

Trans fats in diabetes. Trans fats in diabetes. Trans fats used in the food industry have extremely unhealthy qualities. They are obtained by combining hydrogen with unsaturated fatty acids. The fats are stabilized by this chemical method. The list of products in which trans-fats are added is fairly extensive, such as margarines, spreads, peanut butter, […]

Stevia tea.

Stevia tea.

Stevia tea. Stevia is the most famous sugar substitute. The plant is actively used in Japan, but it will not be difficult to find it in our pharmacies. Even sweets are healthy when cooked with stevia. They are recommended for overweight, diabetes and various metabolic disorders. This is because stevia contains steviosides, which do not […]



Diabetes. National treatment. A friend of mine for many years was ill with diabetes, but in recent years had completely forgotten about it. Helped her cheerfulness, love of people and traditional medicine.