Posts Tagged ‘pyelonephritis treatment’

Kidney stone medication.

Kidney stone medication.

The help of grasses with urate stones. Kidney stone medication. Along with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic herbs, it is necessary to use a number of herbs. Herbs with a certain specificity, depending on the composition of the stones formed. Kidney stone medication. Kidney stone medication. For example, with urate stones, the following collection is recommended: […]

Hronic kidney disease treatment.

Hronic kidney disease treatment.

Health food with uraturia. Hronic kidney disease treatment. The main reason for the appearance of urates in the urine. This is a violation of a type of protein metabolism —  the exchange of purines. Hronic kidney disease treatment. A clear decrease in urate in urine was revealed with a decrease in purine content in food. […]

Pyelonephritis treatment.

Pyelonephritis treatment.

Pyelonephritis treatment. Pyelonephritis treatment. For a long time me the question interested, whether there is any effective way of the help at a pyelonephritis — an inflammation of kidneys? And that’s what I managed to find out, and in time to check on the experience . So, as soon as the exacerbation of the illness […]

Chronic pyelonephritis.

Chronic pyelonephritis.

Chronic pyelonephritis. Kidney problems back pain. Chronic pyelonephritis. Pay attention to the appearance: with kidney disease often have swelling on the face in the morning (bags under the eyes) and on the legs, which take place in the evening. The skin becomes pale, dry, with a yellowish tinge. Chronic pyelonephritis. A frequent symptom of infectious […]