Posts Tagged ‘liver failure’

Treatment of liver disease.

Treatment of liver disease.

Treatment of liver disease. Cleanse liver. • Some healers treat liver disease with a mixture of brine sauerkraut and tomato juice (1/2 cup each). Treatment of liver disease. • Liver treated broth old cucumber fruit or seed. It is necessary to take 2 of the old cucumber or 50 g of seeds, pour 0.5 liters […]

Biliary dyskinesia.

Biliary dyskinesia.

Liver disease. Biliary dyskinesia.  Why are there violations? Biliary dyskinesia — a violation of the motor-evacuation function of the gallbladder and bile ducts, which is reflected in untimely, incomplete or excessive contraction of the gallbladder and sphincter. Biliary dyskinesia. And yet, in spite of the prevalence of these diseases, the question arises, why do they […]