Posts Tagged ‘how to improve health’

Vegetative-vascular disorders.

Vegetative-vascular disorders.

Vegetative-vascular disorders. Traditional medicine knows many recipes for getting rid of diseases, diseases, most of which are simple, easy to prepare at home. Phytotherapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Vegetovascular dystonia is a functional disease of the cardiovascular system, characterized by circulatory disorders, increased fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and increased sweating. There are four types of neurocirculatory dystonia: […]

Treatment of atherosclerosis.

Treatment of atherosclerosis.

Cranberry will help everyone. Treatment of atherosclerosis. Cranberries are a valuable vitamin and tonic product. Morse from cranberries is used as an antipyretic. Juice with honey well helps with sore throat, cough. Berries and cranberry leaves can be brewed and drunk, like tea, with headache, chills and fever, with food poisoning, alcohol intoxication. Treatment of […]