Posts Tagged ‘hair loss treatment for men’

For hair care.

For hair care.

For hair care. Bread is the head. For hair care. Take 300 grams of bread. It should be rye bread, white bread has less useful properties. Soak it for 5-6 hours, putting it in an enamel basin or a pot. After the bread has swollen, add to it one egg. For greater effectiveness, drop a […]

Tighten your skin.

Tighten your skin.

Tighten your skin. Cocoa and honey: sharing a recipe for a mask that tightens the skin the first time! If you’re looking for an effective way to quickly get your skin in good condition, improve its appearance and make it look better in one application, then try a cacao-based mask. Cocoa is not hard to […]

Hair fall out.

Hair fall out.

Hair fall out. Hair fall out. In case of hair loss, rub an ointment from the ash of burnt flax stalks into the head. Means against hair loss: 1 glass of black bread, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, after which you can wash your hair with the prepared infusion. In […]

Hair restoration.

Hair restoration.

Hair restoration. Infusion for hair restoration and growth. To make this recipe, we need some of the most effective natural ingredients for hair care. Chamomile is a versatile plant: it tackles all common problems: slow growth and loss; dryness and brittleness; excessive fat content; itching and dandruff. Chamomile flowers are very gentle, do not irritate […]

With hair loss.

With hair loss.

With hair loss. Hair care for hair loss. To get the maximum effect on hair from using mummy, you need to know how to use it. There are several options, the most affordable of which are: 1) Add the mummy solution to the shampoo. To do this, pre-4 grams of mummy must be dissolved in […]