Posts Tagged ‘Endometriosis treatment.’

Cooking tinctures from fibroids.

Cooking tinctures from fibroids.

Cooking tinctures from fibroids. Prepare a mixture of one part of the cherry bark and three — the mulberry root. Pour half a liter of wheat vodka for several weeks. Drink twenty drops at least three times in twenty four hours. Collect thirty joints of a golden mustache. Pour a liter of vodka and let […]

Tinctures from fibroids.

Tinctures from fibroids.

Tinctures from fibroids. Folk ways to fight the disease are diverse. Alcohol tinctures in the treatment of the disease, for example, are used for two weeks or months, depending on the size of the formation and the severity of the symptoms. To one hundred milliliters of medical alcohol add two hundred milliliters of fresh honey […]

Charges from fibroids.

Charges from fibroids.

Charges from fibroids. With cervical myoma, two herbs are mixed — knotweed and a red brush. Take a tablespoon. The mixture is steamed with a liter of hot water and left for three hours. They divide the finished folk remedy into several portions and take it for two days on an empty stomach. Connect a […]

Decoctions from menopause.

Decoctions from menopause.

Decoctions from menopause. Herbal decoctions during menopause are designed to alleviate general discomfort and help in the fight against symptoms. The treatment period with their help depends on the severity of the symptoms, but cannot exceed 3 months. Take 10 g of the fruits of barberry, knotweed, mistletoe, shepherd’s bag. A tablespoon of the collection […]

Tinctures from menopause.

Tinctures from menopause.

Tinctures from menopause. The course of treatment for tinctures with menopause is usually 30-45 days, depending on the severity of symptoms and the individual reaction of the body. Peony tincture is responsible for reducing hot flashes, frequent changes in mood and insomnia. Take 20 drops three times a day, preferably before meals. The course of […]

Climax is treated.

Climax is treated.

Climax is treated. If the menopause is accompanied by dry skin and itching of the genital organs, a collection of tripartite series and dioecious nettle (twenty grams each), tricolor violet and yarrow grass (fifteen grams each), horsetail grass, blackcurrant leaves and large burdock roots is prescribed (ten grams each). Two tablespoons of raw material is […]

Remedies for mastitis.

Remedies for mastitis.

Remedies for mastitis. Cut the rabbit skin in half. Each half on the inside is smeared with sour cream, preferably homemade. Apply to the mammary glands affected by mastitis, holding sour cream until it dries. After repeated manipulations. Sessions are held as often as possible.The proposed recipe has nothing to do with effective methods to […]