Posts Tagged ‘arthritis’

Deforming arthritis.

Deforming poliartrit.

Deforming arthritis. Reasons deforming polyarthritis. Just think of reasons why the disease is difficult enough. Deforming arthritis. The problem is detected, usually in the second half of life. When the state of the organism influenced all adverse factors, both internal and external. A significant role in the pathogenesis of deforming polyarthritis have the following negative aspects: […]

Rheumatoid arthritis.

rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis — a chronic disease of the connective tissue, which manifests itself most often in the affected joints. Causes and development of the disease is not fully understood, but it is known that she was exposed to people of almost all age groups, including young children. However, most often it occurs in […]

Inflammatory arthritis.

Inflammatory arthritis.

Inflammatory arthritis. Wrapping arthritis. Gout used wrapping. «Spanish cloak» When the articular rheumatism. Inflammatory arthritis. How to do it. Stitch the cloak of thick canvas. It should be wide type shirt sleeves, it should be front crosslinked. In cold or warm water wetted the cloak, and put on his squeeze. The edges of the cloak […]

Early arthrosis.

Early arthrosis.

Early arthrosis. Early arthrosis. Become disabled at an early age I did not want, so I decided that I would punctually perform all prescription. First of all, to reduce the load on the affected joints — no longer play basketball, to carry weights.

Tangerines clean joints.

Tangerines clean joints.

Tangerines clean joints. Tangerines clean joints. Want to return to its former elasticity of joints and relieve them of salt? Eat every day tangerines! But be sure to eat them together with white mesh, which contains a large number of glycosides, strengthens blood vessels — since the first joints affected in violation of them in […]

Methods for treating arthritis.

Methods for treating arthritis. Oats has a bracing, tonic, enveloping, choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and hematopoietic act: — Improves and updates the composition of the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots; Methods for treating arthritis.

Herbs for joint.

Herbs for joint.Joint pain treatment. Almost everyone knows that the disease of the joints is nothing more than a manifestation of a violation of salt metabolism. And for any disease, it is not the symptoms that should be treated, but the real cause. Therefore, when I started to hurt my joints on my arms, arthritis first made itself felt. I decided to fight the disease from the inside.