Symptoms of intestinal infection.

Symptoms of intestinal infection.

Symptoms of intestinal infection.

How to avoid intestinal infections.

Annually with the advent of long-awaited summer, the number of cases of intestinal infections sharply increases. Symptoms of intestinal infection. Dangerous and unpleasant diseases of the digestive tract. They are caused by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi.

In hot weather people consume a lot of liquid — water, kvass, juices. Hygiene requirements are often violated. Poorly washed dishes in public places.

Food is a large number of fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries. They are not always thoroughly washed.
A huge number of insects — flies, wasps, ants can easily carry pathogens into food. Food in the heat and so very quickly deteriorate. Especially dairy, meat, fish dishes, salads.

Bathing in unchecked waters, with standing water, neglect of personal hygiene rules is dangerous! This, too, can be the cause of summer gastrointestinal disorders.

Symptoms of intestinal infections.

The disease usually begins suddenly. There is nausea, pain in the epigastric region, vomiting, which can be repeated. Diarrhea, feces are often watery. The stool frequency reaches 10-15 times a day. Body temperature rises to 37-38 °. Due to intoxication and loss of fluid, tachycardia, weakness, low blood pressure, excessive thirst are observed.

With severe dehydration, there may be muscle spasms, acute cardiovascular failure. Treatment should be difficult!
It is necessary to get rid of intestinal infections efficiently and without consequences. Treatment should be comprehensive and under the supervision of a physician.

!! Self-medication with antibiotics in this case is absolutely unacceptable. Because they can do more harm than good. Antibiotics break the natural microflora in the intestines and thereby induce goiter. Correctly choose antibiotics. To calculate the dose, a doctor can only!

! You also need to immediately seek medical help if a child fell ill, at a high temperature, blood in the stool, a violation of cardiac activity.

Symptoms of intestinal infections.

In addition to the problem of killing pathogens must also neutralize toxins and restore water and electrolyte balance in the body.
First aid in acute intestinal infection is to prevent dehydration due to repeated vomiting and diarrhea. The body thus he cleared the infection, but the fluid loss, be sure to fill with special pharmaceutical salt solutions, for example rehydron makes up for the loss of water and electrolytes.

Can be prepared independently and similar liquid dissolved in 1 liter of cool boiled water for 8 hours. Spoonfuls of sugar, 1 hr. Spoonful of common salt and 1 hour. Spoonful of baking soda. This solution drink per day in 3-4 hours — again, with frequent stool and vomit.

! Strongly advised to take the first day of food poisoning and severe intestinal disorder drugs from diarrhea (Imodium, loperamide, and so on. P.), Especially for children, because the toxins will not be excreted from the body in time with the feces and it will poison. Ill young child should be treated in a hospital as his condition at any moment can become critical and require rapid and skilled medical care.


Symptoms of intestinal infection.

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